Need help with config tables in sub-assembly

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Damian, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. Damian

    Damian Guest

    I am having a problem with parts in a sub-assembly not changing in my
    assembly. When I click on the properties in a part in a sub-assembly my
    config files are greyd out so therefor it is not looking for the right
    config file when i update.
    Anyhelp would be helpfull
    Damian, Dec 1, 2003
  2. Damian

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Damin...I am not sure if you are completely out of luck. What John suggested
    is definately one solution. What you might try to do is "edit part" where
    you are trying to change to a different configuration while in the main
    assembly. Right now I am a bit rusty, but i dont see why wouldnt work as
    Arthur Y-S, Dec 2, 2003
  3. Damian

    Dustin Biber Guest

    Make sure you are not trying to change a part within a sub-assy from
    within your main assembly. Also make sure in the properties box, you
    have selected use named configuration.
    Dustin Biber, Dec 2, 2003
  4. Damian

    Damian Guest

    Would I be right in saying that:

    If I had Assembly 1 wich had a design table with 3 Config's wich consited
    of 3 parts and each of those parts had three config files Config A Config B
    Config C am I able to run these configs in Assembly 1 design table

    What would the syntax be if so would it be somthing like
    $configuration@part.......... By the way I am only a newbie and am not
    having any traing until Febuary
    Damian, Dec 2, 2003
  5. I don't think so. I think you would have to have 3 established configs of
    the sub and then specify which sub-config went with which main config.

    But then, maybe if you only have one instance of the sub in the main, maybe
    you could make the sub flexible, and therefore be able to do it. If you
    have more than one instance of the sub in the main, it won't work.

    I don't know - my eyes are crossing. :-~

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 2, 2003
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