Hi, I've layout that contains instances from many PDK pCells. I need to do two things during PIPO stream out GDS: 1. Preserve the names of pCells to a standard value (e.g. libName_cellName_count) 2. Control PIPO log such that it has list of: "cell - gds layers" for each cell. How can I do that with SKILL? To export GDS I create my own PIPO keys file, like this: (I think the solution would be here) streamOutKeys = list(nil 'userSkillFile "" 'layerTable "" 'convertPin "geometry" 'libVersion "5.0" 'units "micron" 'scale 0.001 'cellMapTable "" 'caseSensitivity "preserve" 'errFile "PIPO.LOG" 'outFile "./testPcellName.gds" 'viewName "layout" 'primaryCell "a" 'libName "testUMC" 'runDir "./" ) Then run pipo using ipc from within SKILL script. I'd appreciate any help? Thanks, Ahmad