Need help on ACIS API

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tarun, Aug 4, 2006.

  1. Tarun

    Tarun Guest

    I am new to ACIS API programming.

    I have a problem reading names of FACES of a solid body using ACIS

    I have a solid body designed in SolidWorks, exported it to .SAT file
    format. Now I am using ACIS APIs to read the .SAt file. With the help
    of below code I am able to get all the faces in facelist.

    ENTITY_LIST faceList;
    AcisOptions* acisOptions = NULL;
    api_get_faces((ENTITY *)Body,
    int numFaces = faceList.count();

    Now I want to get all the FACE names.

    Please help me, which API I should use to get the same from this

    Tarun, Aug 4, 2006
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