Need help modifying a lisp routine

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by bmossman, Aug 11, 2004.

  1. bmossman

    bmossman Guest

    What lines do i have to add in order to be able to draw a pline & use it's length value in the following calculations in lieu of just drawing a single line?

    (defun INV( Pos1 Pos2 / a b c d e f a10 a11 slopeins result insp slop oce)
    (setq oce (getvar "cmdecho"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq a (entsel (strcat "\nSelect " Pos1 " elevation: ")))
    (setq b (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (car a)))))
    (setq c (distof b))

    ;;(setq d (entsel "\nSelect line: "))
    (setq p1 (getpoint "\nDraw the line, Enter starting point: "))
    (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nEnter end point: "))
    (if (and p1 p2)
    (command "._line" p1 p2 "")
    (setq e (entget(entlast)))
    ;(setq e (entget (car d)))

    (setq slop (getreal "\nEnter slope percentage: "))
    (setq a10 (cdr (assoc 10 e)))
    (setq a11 (cdr (assoc 11 e)))
    (setq f (distance a10 a11))
    ;(setq slopeins (list (/(+(car a10)(car a11))2)
    ; (+(/(+(cadr a10)(cadr a11))2)(* (getvar "textsize")2))
    ; 0.0))
    (prompt "\nSelect location and angle for slope.")
    (if (>(cdr(assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" (getvar "textstyle"))))0)
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" pause pause (strcat(rtos slop 2 2)"%"))
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" pause "" pause (strcat(rtos slop 2 2)"%"))

    (if (= Pos1 "Upper")
    (setq result (rtos (- c (/(* f slop)100))2))
    (setq result (rtos (+ c (/(* f slop)100))2))
    (setq insp (getpoint (strcat "\nSelect " Pos2 " elevation insertion point: ")))

    (if (>(cdr(assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" (getvar "textstyle"))))0)
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" insp "" result)
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" insp "" "" result)
    (setvar "cmdecho" oce)

    (defun C:SLO( / a aa b bb c cc d e f a10 a11 slopeins result oce)
    (setq oce (getvar "cmdecho"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" 0)
    (setq a (entsel "\nSelect Upper elevation: "))
    (setq b (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (car a)))))
    (setq c (distof b))
    (setq aa (entsel "\nSelect Lower elevation: "))
    (setq bb (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (car aa)))))
    (setq cc (distof bb))
    ;(setq d (entsel "\nSelect line: "))
    ;(setq e (entget (car d)))
    (setq p1 (getpoint "\nDraw the line, Enter starting point: "))
    (setq p2 (getpoint p1 "\nEnter end point: "))
    (if (and p1 p2)
    (command "._line" p1 p2 "")
    (setq e (entget(entlast)))

    (setq a10 (cdr (assoc 10 e)))
    (setq a11 (cdr (assoc 11 e)))
    (setq f (distance a10 a11))
    ;;(setq slopeins (list (/(+(car a10)(car a11))2)
    ;; (+(/(+(cadr a10)(cadr a11))2)(* (getvar "textsize")2))
    ;; 0.0))
    (setq result (/(- c cc)(/ f 100)))

    (prompt "\nSelect location and angle for slope.")

    (if (>(cdr(assoc 40 (tblsearch "style" (getvar "textstyle"))))0)
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" pause pause (strcat(rtos result 2 2)"%"))
    (command "_text" "j" "mc" pause "" pause (strcat(rtos result 2 2)"%"))
    (setvar "cmdecho" oce)

    (defun C:INL()
    (INV "Upper" "Lower")
    (defun C:INU()
    (INV "Lower" "Upper")
    (defun C:INV()
    (INV "Upper" "Lower")
    (princ "\n-----> INL to run lower invert calc")
    (princ "\n-----> INU to run upper invert calc")
    (princ "\n-----> SLO to run slope calc")
    bmossman, Aug 11, 2004
  2. Maybe I'm not seeing something quite right, but you already have the values for the start and end
    points of your line/pline in the variables p1 and p2. Why not just use them instead of re-reading
    them in from the object (change a10 and a11 to p1 and p2 )?

    To draw a pline, just use pline instead of line in the command line.
    (command "._pline" p1 p2 "")
    Allen Johnson, Aug 12, 2004
  3. bmossman

    bmossman Guest

    i tried that & it restricts me to just a begining & ending point (p1 & p2).... i want to continue the pline with unlimited vertices until i hit enter & have the calculations performed using the pline's overall length in lieu of just 2 points.
    bmossman, Aug 12, 2004
  4. bmossman

    NParcon Guest

    You'll get more help if you provide an
    image of what you're intending to do.
    A sample drawing would be helpful
    to your cause. Are you just trying to
    determine the start and end vertices
    of a multiple vertex lwpolyline you've
    just drawn? If this is the case, after
    drawing your lwpolyline, get the entity
    name using this : (setq e (entlast))

    To get the endpoints of the lwpolyline:

    (setq startpt (cdr (assoc 10 (entget e))))
    (setq endpt (cdr (assoc 10 (reverse (entget e)))))

    For a heavy polyline, you need more code.
    NParcon, Aug 12, 2004
  5. bmossman

    Dommy2Hotty Guest

    insert this in place of the "line" command

    (command "._pline")
    ; while active command
    (while (eq (logand (getvar "CmdActive") 1) 1)
    ; get user's input
    (command pause)
    ;_ closes while
    Dommy2Hotty, Aug 12, 2004
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