Need help creating SHX font files...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by rds4406, Aug 6, 2003.

  1. rds4406

    rds4406 Guest

    I am in the process of creating a new SHX file with the font style I want. And also creating a BIGFONT file that enhances the new "Master" SHX file that contains fractions (in sixteenths) and symbols I need that use the ` to envole the symbol.

    My question is that I am reading an excerpt from the AutoDesk Customization Guide 2002 page 70. Says that I can use character set codes 1 thru 9, 11 thru 31, and 130 thru 255. How can I use these for my personal use? I am wanting to introduce a new set of fractions (32nd's) for these set codes. Example: %%1 returns 1/32, and %%3 returns 3/32, and %%5 returns 5/32, etc. Do I put the code in the "Master" SHX file? or in the BIGFONT file? If so, how? Because I have to declair the escape to 96,96 and this does not follow suit.

    Thanks for the help.
    rds4406, Aug 6, 2003
  2. rds4406

    mataeux Guest



    I don't know if this idea would apply to your symbols but you might want to think about defining some symbols that take up no space.


    for example,

    say your symbols are made up of smaller primitive symbols: you have a series of symbols like triangle, circle, and diamond as well as a series of more complex symbols like triangle-in-box, circle-in-box, and diamond-in-box.


    in stead of defining six symbols:

        T triangle

        C circle

        D diamond

        X triangle-in-box

        Y circle-in-box

        Z diamond-in-box


    you could define four symbols

        T triangle

        C circle

        D diamond

        B box that takes up no space, effectively enveloping the following character


    you would the reference the characters that generate the six symbols thus T  C  D  BT  BC  BD.

    if all your symbols were defined to take up no space, you always have to add a space after referencing the symbol but you could further create symbols like DC , diamond-with-circle or BCT , triangle-circle-box


    of course this is just an example you'd have your own characters to generate your own symbols. start by noticing the common primitive objects that make up your symbols.


    "rds4406" <> wrote in message news:...

    I am in the process of creating a new SHX file with the font style I want. And also creating a BIGFONT file that enhances the new "Master" SHX file that contains fractions (in sixteenths) and symbols I need that use the ` to envole the symbol.

    My question is that I am reading an excerpt from the AutoDesk Customization Guide 2002 page 70. Says that I can use character set codes 1 thru 9, 11 thru 31, and 130 thru 255. How can I use these for my personal use? I am wanting to introduce a new set of fractions (32nd's) for these set codes. Example: %%1 returns 1/32, and %%3 returns 3/32, and %%5 returns 5/32, etc. Do I put the code in the "Master" SHX file? or in the BIGFONT file? If so, how? Because I have to declair the escape to 96,96 and this does not follow suit.

    Thanks for the help.
    mataeux, Aug 6, 2003
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