Need a good, cheap 2D CAD app (preferably free)

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by SW Monkey, Oct 9, 2006.

  1. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I need to do some basic layouts of my backyard for my new shed. I use
    SolidWorks at work, but I need to do this 2D stuff at home. Anyone
    recommend something simple, but good to use that is free ? The last 2D
    software that I used was AutoCAD R14.
    SW Monkey, Oct 9, 2006
  2. Cad STD, Ally Cad, A9 Cad, Google Sketch-Up, are all Freeware. Do
    a Google and you will probably find more than that.

    G. De Angelis
    De Angelis Tool
    Valhalla Grafix
    G. De Angelis, Oct 9, 2006
  3. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    Yea, I have SolidWorks installed at home, but I dont want to bother
    doing this in 3D.
    SW Monkey, Oct 9, 2006
  4. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I already googled 2D cad packages. Im just tryinig to get some
    suggestions from the group.
    SW Monkey, Oct 9, 2006
  5. If you have SW at home, and want free 2D, how about DWG Editor?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 9, 2006
  6. SW Monkey

    John Layne Guest

    If you have SolidWorks installed, then why not use DWGeditor it's on the
    SolidWorks install CD?

    John Layne
    John Layne, Oct 9, 2006
  7. SW Monkey

    swizzle Guest

    Solid Edge is offering a 2D version for free.

    I'd wager there will be some strings attached, such as phone calls from VARs
    and emails offering you deals to upgrade to 3D Solid Edge for a low, low
    price of....

    swizzle, Oct 9, 2006
  8. Not certain but believe I've read that TurboCAD gives away old versions.
    dudleydoorite, Oct 9, 2006
  9. SW Monkey

    Diego Guest

    colored construction paper comes to mind, or kids toys, boxes of cereal
    and cans of beans on the kitchen table,... sorry, wish I was home -
    we're in day one of our ISO audit - bit stressed out at the moment.
    "Sorry sir, did you say 'why is the spec index dated 1998 and the spec
    dated 2002?"

    Some of the imsi turbo-cad type packages or landscape software can be
    found at used book stores like Half-price Books for $10.

    If you haven't tried Sketch-up - free from Google, it's worth a look.
    Easy to use and fun, and then you can put your back-yard out there for
    all of us to see.

    Diego, Oct 9, 2006
  10. SW Monkey

    SW Monkey Guest

    I forgot about DWG Editor. I just installed it. This may work, but
    ill keep looking for a landscape type 2D package.

    Thanks .
    SW Monkey, Oct 9, 2006
  11. SW Monkey

    Steve Guest

    Beside the fly out windows the command line works like AutoCAD 2000. If
    you are used to AutoCAD and use the key board it works about the
    same...but it takes some looking to find out how to customize the
    drawing environment.

    Steve, Oct 10, 2006
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