nedit tips for SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by fogh, Nov 1, 2004.

  1. fogh

    fogh Guest

    Hi All,

    I tested the following script on mandrake 10.0 linux (GNU sed version
    4.0.9), It generates a calltips file called for nedit >5.4
    from the cadence finder data.

    #generate a "tips" file for the nirvana editor
    #from the cadence documentation "finder" files

    cd $icroot/doc/finder

    finderfiles=$(find . -name *.fnd)
    for f in $finderfiles ;do
    cat $f |\
    sed 's,^;\(.*\)$,*comment*\n\1\n,'|\
    sed -r 's,^\("([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)",\n\1,'|\
    sed '/^"/s///'|\
    sed '/"$/s///'|\
    sed '/")$/s///'
    done \
    fogh, Nov 1, 2004
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