ncvlog was not found?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by PKG, Apr 8, 2006.

  1. PKG

    PKG Guest

    I'm the first user of AMS simulator and also spectre.
    I have a schematic which is consisted of ahdl, verilog A,...
    By following the AMS manual, to make the netlist and compile,

    I checked
    AMS option
    1. Generates AMS netlist -->Enable
    2. Compile generated AMS netlist -->Enable

    and then, I "check and Save " the schematic..

    the result in the icms widow shown below
    PKG, Apr 8, 2006
  2. You need to have ncvlog in your UNIX path. ncvlog is in the IUS stream
    (e.g. IUS55, IUS57):


    By the way "folders" are called "directories" on UNIX ;-)

    Andrew Beckett, Apr 11, 2006
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