ncelab issue

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Bill, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. Bill

    Bill Guest

    I am hoping that someone could shed a little light on this error
    message for me..

    ncelab: *internal* (spath_create_tmp_file: cannot open tmp file).
    Please contact Cadence Design Systems about this problem

    And when I don't get this error I get "ncelab" printed out about 50
    times on my command line and ncelab just sort of bombs out.

    I'm sure this has to do with my code and not with the tool since I am
    able to compile,elaborate,and sim other pieces of the design..
    But I am having a hard time finding the guilty piece of code and the
    tool isn't giving me any good hints as to where it is..

    This is being run on a windows 2000 platform..
    Bill, Aug 17, 2005
  2. Bill

    Mayank Guest

    o Does setting "TMPDIR" environment variable to an existing temp
    directory (e.g. C:/TEMP) helps ?
    o What is the tool version and which shell are you using ?

    - Mayank
    Mayank, Aug 18, 2005
  3. Bill

    Mayank Guest

    I believe a similar issue with DOS prompt on Windows 2000 has been
    fixed and available from IUS5.4-S8 release.
    Mayank, Aug 18, 2005
  4. Bill

    Bill Guest

    That seemed to fix the problem..
    Bill, Aug 18, 2005
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