
Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Massimo D., Mar 8, 2006.

  1. Massimo D.

    Massimo D. Guest

    Could someone tell me whitch is the right function to set
    to get a post-cn with G2 and G3 block with
    I and J value included
    Example: Nxx G2 X123 Y456 I2.22 J4.67
    My problem is that actually sometimes I or J or both are
    missed and the machine CNC show a error

    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Massimo D., Mar 8, 2006
  2. Massimo D.

    David Janes Guest

    Might help our machining gurus to know what software you're posting from.
    David Janes, Mar 8, 2006
  3. Massimo D.

    Polymer Man Guest

    I assume he is posting from Pro/NC and needs to dig into the settings
    in the post he is using. I don't answer his question because I don't
    know the answer.

    I've never heard of this problem before. An arc move without an I or a
    J and the problem is intermittent? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

    The common problem with I and J is incremental or absolute. For some
    reason the industry standard is to locate the arc center relative to
    the last point, and not the absolute location. That is a simple setting
    to change in the PP, you just need to look for it.
    Polymer Man, Mar 8, 2006
  4. Massimo D.

    Stu Guest

    *IF* your using Gpost , the default post-processor in Pro, under
    motion,the circular codes tab has to have the IJK output when zero
    set, and in the general tab turn on output the repeat point.
    It sounds like that when IJK are zero, or unchanged they are not
    there are also other settings in that page you may find of use.
    Stu, Mar 9, 2006
  5. Massimo D.

    David Janes Guest

    I'm trying to think why Gpost would allow something that can create an error
    condition (IJK missing). The only thing I can figure is that it expects never to
    see IJK all having zero values. What kind of geometry or what kind of programming
    practices could produce this? You'd think, if you're asking the machine to do
    something impossible, it'd show up in NC-Check or Vericut.
    David Janes, Mar 9, 2006
  6. Massimo D.

    Stu Guest

    It all depends on the controller, as there are many out there. Some
    are modal, non-modal , inc to center, abs to center etc zero needs to
    be defined, doesnt need to be etc.....
    Its not gpost that has the error, but rather non-standard standards
    between the controllers.......................
    Stu, Mar 9, 2006
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