NC Plot 2 Beta 11 Now Available For Download

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon banquer, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    This product continues to make tremendous progress. If you using another
    G code backplotter / editor I urge you to give NC Plot a try and to
    participate in helping to develop NC Plot.

    This version of NC Plot now contains a basic lathe backplotter. I have
    no doubt that lathe backplotting will continue to receive lots of
    attention.... especially if more lathe people participate in the
    development of NC Plot.

    Anyone with an interest in helping to develop a quality G code
    backplotter / editor can participate in NC Plots beta development

    IMO, there currently are no high quality G code backplotters / editors
    available at *any price*

    NC Plot has it's own forum at:

    NC Plot Beta 11 is a free download and is good for 60 days.

    The developer of NC Plot has a proven track record of listening to users
    and is open to ideas and suggestions on how to improve and enhance NC

    jon banquer, Aug 4, 2005
  2. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Which is absolutely useless.
    You don't even use any of it, clueless.
    Cliff, Aug 4, 2005
  3. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    wrote in

    Please update me / us.

    Last time I looked at CutViewer it had no real text editing

    It did not support canned cycles, etc.

    Does CutViewer support G12 / G13 ?

    Has any of this changed since I last looked at CutViewer ?

    Cutting a solid model is nice but not at the price of no real editing or
    canned cycle support.

    Have you tried NC Plot ?

    Thanks for your post.

    jon banquer, Aug 5, 2005
  4. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Aug 5, 2005
  5. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    You must be new.
    Poor jb's been about for years and remains about totally
    It's not, after all, like he's ever actually used any of the
    stuff that he sees ads for.

    But he can be pretty funny when he misuses terms
    & buzzwords he liked when he saw them <G>.

    Cliff, Aug 6, 2005
  6. jon banquer

    grumtac Guest

    Cliff wrote: and Wrote. AND Wrote..... But never really SAID ANYTHING.

    I popped into this group from a PC where certain people are not
    kerplunked. Thus I see Cliffs posts again.

    So, Cliff,
    Obviously you do not have any use for NCPlot.....

    So, what EXACTLY do YOU think is a good equivalent program ? Something
    on target with the cost and function of NCPlot ??

    Do you have ANYTHING to contibute to this thread ??

    grumtac, Aug 7, 2005
  7. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Brief pointed comments.
    Need a few?
    Actually, that's not quite true.
    You are posting from Google.
    Good for you.
    And poor clueless' as well.
    "A good equivalent"?
    It would all depend on what you ae doing, your level of skill
    and abilities as well as the tools available to you, would it not?

    Personally, I'd not be turning good code into garbage
    with MDI edits and then expect some program to produce
    altered solids models of the designer's design intent
    from that.
    NOW you want to constrain it to cost & "function of NCPlot"?
    LOL ...

    Would this include jb's fevered rants as well? On or off
    the Lithium?
    "SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)"
    Did clueless ever respond to you on this?
    New kernel, right? Better than 3dinkies?

    They will rot your brain a bit faster. 3316 hits <G>.

    Cliff, Aug 7, 2005
  8. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Brief pointed comments.
    Need a few?
    Actually, that's not quite true.
    You are posting from Google.
    Good for you.
    And poor clueless' as well.
    "A good equivalent"?
    It would all depend on what you ae doing, your level of skill
    and abilities as well as the tools available to you, would it not?

    Personally, I'd not be turning good code into garbage
    with MDI edits and then expect some program to produce
    altered solids models of the designer's design intent
    from that.
    NOW you want to constrain it to cost & "function of NCPlot"?
    LOL ...

    Would this include jb's fevered rants as well? On or off
    the Lithium?
    "SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)"
    Did clueless ever respond to you on this?
    New kernel, right? Better than 3dinkies?

    They will rot your brain a bit faster. 3316 hits <G>.

    Cliff, Aug 7, 2005
  9. jon banquer

    grumtac Guest

    Ah, Yes..... "A PC WHERE PEOPLE ARE NOT KERPLUNKED". If you go use
    Google groups, you SEE all the stuff. I have Access to 50 PC's that
    work like that, only 2 that do not.... Simple. I do not often post, but
    I do read a whole bunch, right in my Moz news program, where some
    people are handled by simple filters.
    Care to elaborate ? I'd be curious to hear your side of the story......
    Simple... Take NCPlot and look at what IT does, then suggest another
    that does the same, or more.
    So, what you are saying is there is little use for a program like
    NCPlot ? Or are you saying that since all toolpath generation programs
    are so "perfect" today, that NCPlot couldn't possibly have a use at all
    Which ones are your favorite ? Which ones have you used in the past ?
    Which ones are not worth what they are asking ?

    There are hundreds of individuals who NEED good info before giving
    money to a company on the salespersons word......
    It is not an issue of "now" I want to constrain....... It is simply FOR
    the cost of NCPlot, WHAT do YOU recommend that does the same things ?

    I for one have a particular program that routinely fails to properly
    place feedrates on multipasses..... I have only been waiting around 7
    years for them to actually fix it.....
    I would rather hear you tell me something useful without any reference
    to JB.... After all, I am big enough to make up my own mind as to
    whether what he has suggested is useful or not.

    I actually APPRECIATE it when in a CNC group such as this, Someone
    brings to peoples attention new programs that are available, or issues
    they happen to have with a program they use.... FAR more useful info to
    those really interested in CNC, compared to say, someones constant
    complaining about the government or the President. I can find all kinds
    of idiots in hundreds of other groups IF and WHEN that ever gets
    important to me.
    Yes indeed he did as I recall. He indicated that he was aware of the
    standard and also aware that it could be a very feasable format. He
    also however indicated he was not up to speed on it at that time.
    Perhaps, because he appears to be very interested in CNC related
    issues, he might know more about it in the future. Thats would be fine
    with me.

    Sure beats listening to whiners about issues that are not even CNC

    grumtac, Aug 8, 2005
  10. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    wrote in

    I posted this today in the NC Plot Forum on and
    thought you might be interested to see what I wrote:


    Sounds good to me. I will post some Bridgeport DX/32 canned cycle info
    shortly. Was wondering if you have any interest in using a solid
    modeling component in NC Plot as someone raised this issue in
    alt.machines.cnc in regards to what they need ? I believe a component is
    available from MachineWorks which allows VB to be used to hook into the
    object as I once discussed this with Don Ball who is the owner of Rapid
    Output creators of G-Zero.

    I believe it's the old NC Verify component and I would venture a guess
    that it can be had at a very reasonable price.

    I will try and hit your website tomorrow and contribute $100 as my way
    of saying thank you for doing all you have done. Hopefully you take
    Visa. The $100 is a gift with nothing expected. It is based on what you
    have already done for which I am very grateful.


    How about requesting solid modeling in NC Plot and taking a more active
    role in NC Plot's development ? I think your input and ideas would be
    very helpful. I also think you would gain a great deal of satisfaction
    from working with a developer who is very responsive and a pleasure to
    deal with.

    Thanks for answering my questions on CutViewer.... I think NC Plot can
    be everything CutViewer is. With your input perhaps sooner rather than

    Sorry for the delay in responding. We are again working massive overtime
    at work.

    jon banquer, Aug 10, 2005
  11. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Lots of scrap to rework or replace again?
    Or just that you forgot to restock the paper
    for the copiers?
    Cliff, Aug 10, 2005
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