Navigation window in Wildfire

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Andy Millar, Sep 23, 2004.

  1. Andy Millar

    Andy Millar Guest

    I am sure that this question has been asked before.

    Does anybody know of a config option to have the navigation window minimised
    as default?

    Thanks in advance,

    Andy Millar, Sep 23, 2004
  2. Andy Millar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Does anybody know of a config option to have the navigation window
    Tools / Customize Screen ...
    On the Browser tab, clear "Expand Browser by default...."
    Jeff Howard, Sep 23, 2004
  3. Andy Millar

    Andy Millar Guest


    Thanks for that, but we have tried that and all it does is stop the browser
    deploying, not the navigation bars.


    Andy Millar, Sep 23, 2004
  4. Andy Millar

    Shaun T Guest

    What I had to do was map a key and record the clicks that minimize it.
    So now all I do is press f1 and it minimizes it. I asked this question
    before check back in the threads no one could find an answer.
    Shaun T, Sep 23, 2004
  5. Thanks, Ron. That might be worth looking into. Thought had occured, but
    Maybe I missed something. Is'nt it one click to minimize the navigation
    So, is it that much faster hitting the f1 button than it would be to just
    the window closed? Just what step is it that you are saving?
    Gary Miglionico, Sep 24, 2004
  6. Andy Millar

    RonT Guest

    You might be able to take this one step further. I remember seeing
    something in the PTC Knowledge Base about customizing Pro/E at startup for
    things that no config option exists. I just did some searching and found
    the following:

    Using Trail Files to Customize the Pro/ENGINEER Environment Upon Startup

    This TPI will explain how to use trail files to customize Pro/ENGINEER upon
    startup. Often times there are settings the user would like to make
    permanent but no option exists for setting a default. For
    instance, it is desired to have the option for "Change color of prohibited"
    in the Reference Control dialog box to be checked on by default.

    Open a System shell window and start Pro/ENGINEER from a new directory. Once
    Pro/ENGINEER is started a trail file called trail.txt.1 will get written to
    the directory. In this example, create a part, and select #Utilities,
    #Reference Control, Selection Feedback Settings, and "Change color of
    prohibited". Exit the dialog box by selecting #OK and then select #Window,
    #Close Window. Select #File, #Erase, #Not Displayed to erase all models from
    session. Select #File and #Exit to exit from Pro/ENGINEER.

    Edit trail.txt.1 to remove the commands which recorded the exit from
    Pro/ENGINEER. The commands to delete will be the following:
    ~ Select `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1` \
    1 `File`
    ~ Close `main_dlg_cur` `MenuBar1`
    ~ Activate `main_dlg_cur` `File.psh_exit`
    ! Message Dialog: Question
    ! : Do you really want to exit?
    ~ Activate `UI Message Dialog` `yes`

    Save the trail.txt.1 and rename it to some name like startup.txt. Move
    startup.txt to the <loadpoint>/bin directory. <Loadpoint> refers to where
    Pro/ENGINEER is installed.

    For NT machines, edit the Properties of the Shortcut to Pro/ENGINEER and
    change the Target field to be
    <loadpoint>/bin/<command>.bat <loadpoint>/bin/startup.txt

    For UNIX machines, edit the .cshrc or .local_cshrc and add the line:
    alias proe <loadpoint>/bin/<command> <loadpoint>/bin/startup.txt
    Use the command 'proe' to start Pro/ENGINEER.

    Pro/ENGINEER will then play the commands in the trail file everytime upon


    You might be able to start Pro/E, run your mapkey and then follow the above
    steps to execute that trail file every time Pro/E starts. I haven't tried
    it, but it seems feasible.

    RonT, Sep 24, 2004
  7. Andy Millar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    You might be able to take this one step further. I remember seeing .....

    Thanks, Ron. That might be worth looking into. Thought had occured, but
    hadn't taken the time to investigate and you've saved a step. 8~)
    Jeff Howard, Sep 24, 2004
  8. Andy Millar

    Jeff Howard Guest

    That was my thought about F1 vs click to close, too, but whatever.... I
    was thinking about various and sundry other things that I'd like to have
    done when launching. The step saved was finding the article.
    Jeff Howard, Sep 24, 2004
  9. Andy Millar

    Shaun T Guest

    yeah I know I also stuck a few more to it. f1 closes it, set my views,
    names my views and then it maximizes the proe window
    Shaun T, Sep 27, 2004
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