My next evolutionary step with overlaps and sheet metal

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mike, Oct 30, 2003.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Thanks to Matt, I am now able to create an overlapping pipe using Spirals
    and Lofted Bends. The next step is to be able to create a hole on the
    flatten piece of material and have it roll up when its folded. Is this
    possible? Is this the best way to approach make a Pipe with an overlap.

    I have include a link to where you could see the pipe that i am working on.

    Thanks again for all your help.
    Mike, Oct 30, 2003
  2. Mike,

    I have uploaded an example to your ftp on how to make a hole in unfolded
    The example file (spiral-2.sldprt) is based on your spiral part .

    Bengt Dahlborg
    Bengt Dahlborg, Oct 30, 2003
  3. Sean-Michael Adams, Oct 30, 2003
  4. Mike

    John Benn Guest

    The main problem I'm having with the Spiral/Lofted Bends method is
    that I can't seem to get the Spiral as tight as I would like. For
    instance, on a 24.25" cylinder and a 1" overlap, I should end up with
    77.145 for my sheet metal flat, but using this method I end up with
    78.17. Any ideas on tightening this?


    John Benn, Oct 31, 2003
  5. Hi John,

    Does the flattened length respond to adjustments to the k-factor in
    the sheet metal definition?

    This might be the first thing to try.

    Otherwise I'm stumped too . . .

    Presumably this is not a problem with the pitch of the spiral and your
    "final state" geometry is being created to your liking . . .


    Sean-Michael Adams, Oct 31, 2003
  6. Mike

    John Benn Guest

    Hi John,
    Well, actually the Spiral isn't as tight as I'd like it. Even tough it
    looks like there is plenty of room without ending up with
    self-intersecting geometry, Solidworks still won't let me tighten the
    Pitch enough on this Spiral to reduce the sheet metal length to a
    reasonable level.

    If you don't mind, try lofting a 24.25" spiral out of .125 thick
    material and you'll see that there is a substantial gap left where the
    overlap occurs. If I could tighten the spiral enough that the gap was
    near zero, this would go a long way to reducing my extra 1" of
    John Benn, Nov 6, 2003
  7. Hi there John.

    I gave this one a few tries with the "pure" spiral and found myself
    getting my nose bloddied too. Luckily I lack the comittment to try
    when all hope has run our (smile).

    I came up with an alternative that is well behaved and develops
    properly. It is based on your sample numbers:

    It includes a "how to". It does a reasonably good job of approximating
    a "pure" spiral but without the hassle of the lofted bends that are
    not too Lofty, by the way.

    I hope this helps. I gave up in the pure spiral with zero gap, with
    disgust I might add. Hehe.


    Sean-Michael Adams, Nov 9, 2003
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