My New Blog

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Devon T. Sowell, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Devon T. Sowell, Jun 28, 2006
  2. Devon T. Sowell

    jjs Guest

    jjs, Jun 28, 2006
  3. Devon T. Sowell

    neil Guest

    Its great that people are making blogs but if there are too many I simply
    won't have time to visit them as well as the forums....
    I don't suppose you aspiring bloggers feel like combining efforts on a super
    one stop SW blog do you?
    Nice blog so far though Devon :eek:)
    neil, Jun 28, 2006
  4. Devon T. Sowell

    neil Guest

    yes that would be good - waiting for IE7 for RSS feeds...hopefully SW forum
    gets in the game too.
    neil, Jun 29, 2006
  5. Devon T. Sowell

    Ben Eadie Guest

    One thing to consider is that most if not all blogs have a RSS or XML
    feed. If you have a feed reader (I use NewsGator but there are tons out
    there ) then you have to only go to one place and the blogs will come to
    In the case of my blog you can use iTunes or other podcast aggregator
    (clients) to get the casts. Or for example DDi's (Lou Gallo) podcast /
    blog delivered to your computer so you can listen, read and watch at
    your convenience.

    I will make a tutorial video on my blog for both Blogs and Podcasts next
    so that all of you thinking I am just speaking geek can learn how to get
    some of this great media! Trust me there is some other great media to
    learn from out there and free music, audio books, news, instruction....

    On another long winded note, Lou Gallow, Rob Rodrigues, and I seem to
    have a alliance going, we all have specialized skills that we are
    sharing, more sharing with me than the other way around...THANKS GUYS!
    I will have a chat to the others about setting up a central location for
    us, anyone else interested contact me I think Neil may be on to a great
    idea here.

    Ben Eadie, Jun 30, 2006
  6. Devon T. Sowell

    Diego Guest

    Devon thanks for the macro - looking forward to reading your blog and
    learning more.

    Ben, nice job on your blog as well. I would welcome an alliance of SW
    blogs too. It's very easy to kick in Itunes or a reader first thing in
    the morning, and browse them while faking a little work during the day.
    Plus I'm there anyway getting the daily Onion Radio News - beats NPR

    Diego, Jun 30, 2006
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