My complaint about VX Corporation

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadishaq, Dec 30, 2005.

  1. cadishaq

    cadishaq Guest

    I realize that everyone is entitled to his opinion, and I respect this.
    I also hope that you will all respect mine as you read this letter.
    Before examining the present situation, however, it is important that I
    raise several issues about VX Corporation's incomprehensible
    sophistries that are frequently missing from the drivel that
    masquerades for discourse on this topic. It is well known that VX
    Corporation's machinations are made of the same spirit that accounts
    for the majority of the problems we face in this world. But VX
    Corporation's fixation with mentally deficient, self-pitying ochlocrats
    is hateful. Whatever weight we accord to that fact, we may be confident
    that if VX Corporation can't be reasoned out of its prejudices, it must
    be laughed out of them. If VX Corporation can't be argued out of its
    selfishness, it must be shamed out of it. That's a very important
    point; VX Corporation maintains a "Big Brother" dossier of information
    about everyone it distrusts, to use as a potential career-ruining
    weapon. Is your name listed in that dossier? We already have our
    answer; as a respected journalist put it, "VX Corporation disregards
    any evidence that contradicts its views". He probably could have added
    that VX Corporation insists that it has the authority to issue licenses
    for practicing barbarism. This is a rather strong notion from someone
    who knows so little about the subject.

    My purpose is to stand by our principles and be true to them on all
    occasions, in all places, against all foes, and at whatever cost. Most
    of the battles I fight along the way are exigencies, not long-range
    educational activities. Nevertheless, VX Corporation has been known to
    "prove" statistically that it can carve out space in the mainstream for
    mischievous politics and get away with it. As you might have suspected,
    its proof is flawed. The primary problem with it is that it replaces a
    legitimate claim of association with an illegitimate claim of
    causality. Consequently, VX Corporation's "proof" demonstrates only
    that I find its fondness for inquisitions, witch hunts, star chambers,
    and kangaroo courts most vapid -- and VX Corporation knows it. VX
    Corporation's bootlickers allege, after performing shoddy research and
    utilizing threadbare scholarship, that a number of their enemies are
    planning to bring about a wonderland of radicalism. But you knew that
    already. So let me add that VX Corporation just reported that we're
    supposed to shut up and smile when it says nefarious, shiftless things.
    Do you think that that's merely sloppy reporting on VX Corporation's
    part? I don't. I, not being one of the many misinformed demoniacs of
    this world, think that it's a deliberate attempt to besmirch the memory
    of some genuine historic figures.

    VX Corporation claims to be supportive of my plan to reach the broadest
    possible audience with the message that one can only speculate how much
    worse things would be if it were to turn once-flourishing neighborhoods
    into zones of violence, decay, and moral disregard. Don't trust it,
    though; it's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Before you know it, it'll
    needle and wheedle the most scurrilous vendors of revisionism you'll
    ever see into its coterie. Not only that, but if VX Corporation had
    lived the short, sickly, miserable life of a chattel serf in the ages
    "before technocracy" it wouldn't be so keen to create a mass psychology
    of fear about an imminent terrorist threat. Maybe it'd even begin to
    realize that mankind, with all of its accumulated knowledge, wonderful
    machines, scientific methods, and material power, still has much to
    fear from predatory, virulent adulterers like it. VX Corporation
    vehemently denies that, of course. But it obviously would, because
    there are two related questions in this matter. The first is to what
    extent it has tried to take rights away from individuals on the basis
    of prejudice, myth, irrational belief, inaccurate information, and
    outright falsehood. The other is whether or not VX Corporation has
    vowed that sometime soon it'll declare that we should abandon the
    institutionalized and revered concept of democracy. This is hardly
    news; VX Corporation has been vowing that for months with the
    regularity of a metronome. What is news is that there's a time to keep
    silent and a time to speak. There's a time to love and a time to hate.
    There's a time for war and a time for peace. And, I believe, there's a
    time to respond to VX Corporation's outbursts. Or, to put it less
    poetically, to VX Corporation's mind, its hastily mounted campaigns are
    our final line of defense against tyrrany. So that means that anyone
    who disagrees with it is ultimately ignorant, right? No, not right. The
    truth is that there is no place in this country where we are safe from
    VX Corporation's faithfuls, no place where we are not targeted for
    hatred and attack. I clearly hope that humanity will rid this earth of
    the most anal-retentive-to-the-core bozos you'll ever see with the
    greatest dispatch, since otherwise, the earth might well become rid of
    humanity. In a tacit concession of defeat, VX Corporation is now openly
    calling for the abridgment of various freedoms to accomplish coercively
    what its incontinent comments have failed at. What kind of loser wants
    to cause adversarial subversion to gather momentum on college campuses?
    A loser like VX Corporation. Finally, this has been a good deal of
    reading, and doubtlessly difficult reading at that. Still, I hope you
    walk away from it with the new knowledge that VX Corporation is a wee
    bit overzealous in its defense of classism.

    cadishaq, Dec 30, 2005
  2. cadishaq

    CADaLack Guest

    This is a form letter that can be downloaded with a lot of <place name> and
    appears to say something about <place name>. Go away and take banguer with you.
    CADaLack, Dec 30, 2005
  3. cadishaq

    cadishaq Guest

    shoe shoe fly?

    cadishaq, Dec 30, 2005
  4. cadishaq

    Cliff Guest

    A free demo from VX?
    Cliff, Dec 30, 2005
  5. cadishaq

    SWX-VAR-JP Guest

    Wouldn't it have been easier to just post "I do not like VX
    corporation", rather than writing a short story?

    I have to say though, that I agree with all comments in the post.
    SWX-VAR-JP, Dec 30, 2005
  6. cadishaq

    parel Guest

    Wow- now wasn't that an exemplar of verbal diarrhoea. All those words-
    absolutely no content.
    parel, Dec 30, 2005
  7. cadishaq

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Aye.... me thinks tat lawyerly scallywag tongue needs t' taste me

    cadPIRATE, Dec 30, 2005
  8. cadishaq

    ed1701 Guest

    I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I'm digging this pirate
    guy. Its nice to have someone fill the void left behind by Bob Zee.
    ed1701, Dec 30, 2005
  9. cadishaq

    Cliff Guest

    I just wish he'd quote a bit of what he's responding to.
    The context can go lacking (hint, hint).
    Cliff, Dec 30, 2005
  10. cadishaq

    cadPIRATE Guest

    Aye, In the words of NWA... Don't quote me boy fer me aint said shite.

    cadPIRATE, Dec 31, 2005
  11. cadishaq

    John Layne Guest

    You to can talk like a Pirate

    Ed's text translated

    Aye, me don't know about the rest o' you folks, but I'm diggin' this
    pirate guy. Its nice t' have someone fill the 'oid left behind by Bob Zee.
    John Layne, Dec 31, 2005
  12. cadishaq

    ed1701 Guest

    Thanks for the link to 'talk like a pirate' (I might use it
    occasionally with my girlfirend for kicks) but I don't wan't to nose in
    on CAD-pirates turf
    Anyway, it seems he does a much better job than the translator (no
    synonym for 'diggin', for instance).
    I found myself simply enthralled by his posts talking about his hook
    and with his referring to the port side of the screen, perhaps because
    the latter reminds me of my Dad teaching me the trick to remembering
    port from starboard (left has fewer letter than right, port has fewer
    letters than starboard).
    I am hoping he becomes a hard-core regular... I've been participating
    here for the better part of a decade now (yikes!) and I am just
    thrilled to see somone making it fun again like good 'ol Bob Zee. I
    can help provide boring content and have done my bit along those lines
    - but as far as I'm concerned, I like that a guy like CAD pirate comes
    around to add some spice (preferably stolen from a ship of the Spanish

    ed1701, Jan 2, 2006
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