I am trying to create a button that does the following: Makes a layer named "viewport" with color 255, linetype continuous, set to Noplot. Trigger the Mview command and pick my 2 corners of the rectangle. Sets the current layer back to what it was at the beginning of the routine. I have been able to do the layer manipulation with the following: ^C^C(setq exlay (getvar "clayer"));(command "layer" "m" "viewport" "c" "255" "" "l" "" "" "p" "n" "" "");(command "layer" "s" exlay "") I have been placing the following mview line before the last layer command: (command "mview" pause) When I insert in the above, it works up to the point that I create the mview on layer viewport, but does not set the layer back to the original current layer. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Don