Multithreading and SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P?l, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. P?l

    P?l Guest


    I am developing an application that works with SolidWorks, and I want
    to make this app multithreaded. Is this safe? Does SW distinguish
    between threads that do work on parts, components etc.? The app is
    programmed in VB.Net.

    Best regards
    Pål Eilertsen
    P?l, Jul 7, 2004
  2. P?l

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Probably not.
    Does VB.NET *have* threads? I know that VB kinda sorta has
    multithreaded capability via DoEvents, but I don't know much about
    VB.NET having more/less/same functionality.

    In any event, the SW API doesn't deal with threading much at all. The
    rules that apply are the same rules that apply to COM. The bottom line
    is that if you want to access the API from multiple threads, you have to
    be careful about marshalling interface pointers when necessary. In my
    Java API, the only place I really had to marshall so far is when passing
    around the ISldworks interface pointer between threads, such as when
    starting a new Java addin on a new Thread. Since all subsequent API
    calls by the addin are rooted in this pointer, marshalling it and
    allowing the addin to unmarshall it from its thread does the trick.

    I've done simple tests with two separate addins starting up on separate
    threads and the marshalled pointers seem to work.

    Jim S.
    Jim Sculley, Jul 7, 2004
  3. P?l

    P?l Guest

    Jupp. VB.Net is a big upgrade from VB 6 and has all the functionality
    that the .Net framework offers.
    What I'm doing is to have a thread start an automated process that
    creates splines round certain objects. In using another thread to do
    this it frees up the UI to let the user continue working. And as long
    as the second thread is running everything works fine. When the
    automated process finishes (and the second thread dies) _almost_
    everything works fine. The error I get is that an object is not set
    when I try to change a component2's visibility state. Can it be that
    the list of pointers to these components are no longer available for
    the main thread?

    Best regards
    Pål Eilertsen
    P?l, Jul 8, 2004
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