Multiple Xerox Copier/Printers

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tripp Corbin, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. Tripp Corbin

    Tripp Corbin Guest

    Ok here is a wierd one. We have two xerox copier/printers on our network, a
    Workstation Pro 65 and a 510 engineering copier. When we print from windows
    everything works fine. When we print from AutoCAD the prints get reversed.
    Everything we send to the Pro 65 comes out on the 510 and vise versa.

    I have verfied the PC3 files go to the right printer and ports. Any othe
    ideas what could be causing this switch?

    Tripp Corbin, MCP
    Associate Vice President, GIS/Mapping
    ESRI Authorized Instructor
    Keck & Wood, Inc.
    (678) 417-4000
    (678) 417-8785 Fax
    Tripp Corbin, Jan 7, 2005
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