Multiple Versions of Solidworks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by YouGoFirst, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. YouGoFirst

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I have seen posted in the past instruction on how to install multiple
    versions of Solidworks on a single machine. Can somebody point me to that
    link, or let me know if it works with 2006? I ask this because I am at the
    end of a project that I started with 2005, and want to go to 2006 for my
    next project.
    YouGoFirst, Aug 29, 2005
  2. YouGoFirst

    MM Guest

    It's no big deal, just do a "new" install to a different directory (as
    opposed to an upgrade)

    I have three versions on my machine including 06.

    MM, Aug 29, 2005
  3. YouGoFirst

    mjlombard Guest

    You just start a regular install. Choose to do it as a new
    installation, not an upgrade, and don't put the SW common data in the
    same location as your other version unless you aren't looking back.
    There's really not much to it. As always, be careful about updating
    Toolbox data so that you can't use it with your old software, and if
    you save existing models, do it with a save as and use a different name
    unless you don't want to use the old software with that file anymore.

    mjlombard, Aug 29, 2005
  4. YouGoFirst

    davisg Guest

    Any customized templates should be copied to the new data and lang
    folders. Be sure to go through the tools/options/file locations on the
    system options tab before starting a new project, and reset them to the
    new install directory. Otherwise your old templates may stop be usable
    in the earlier version. It's kind of a pain to do, but worth the time
    if you need backward compatability.

    davisg, Aug 30, 2005
  5. YouGoFirst

    TOP Guest

    During Beta I had 2003 thru 2006 installed on the same box. 2005 was
    even installed from an administrative image. No problems with SW
    running. Where you have to be careful is with things like part, assy,
    and drawing templates which can be overwritten by a new version and
    which will cause an older version to have trouble. My procedure is to
    copy my whole templates directory over so I have templates from 2003 on
    up to 2006.
    TOP, Aug 30, 2005
  6. YouGoFirst

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Thanks, I thought there was a trick to making things work.
    YouGoFirst, Aug 30, 2005
  7. YouGoFirst

    Navy Diver Guest

    5. Tiffany, Wayne M. Aug 30, 8:48 am show options

    From: "Tiffany, Wayne M." <> - Find messages by
    this author
    Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 08:48:01 -0500

    I generally run 2 or 3 versions on mine. My installation practice is
    put each in its own area. Example installation:

    C:\Program Files\SolidWorks2004\
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solidworks Data2004\

    C:\Program Files\SolidWorks2005\
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Solidworks Data2005\

    Doing it this way, things stay separated and I can run any that I have
    installed. I can also easily tell which one is which.

    Navy Diver, Aug 30, 2005
  8. YouGoFirst

    TP Guest

    Then how do you handle all the different versions of plug-ins?
    cosmos, camnetics, pdmworks, edrawings, etc...
    TP, Aug 31, 2005
  9. YouGoFirst

    TOP Guest

    I am going to have to make a partial retraction. It would appear that
    Photoworks doesn't work when 2004 and 2005 are installed on the same
    machine. It works on 2005 but crashes 2004.
    TOP, Sep 22, 2005
  10. YouGoFirst

    Cliff Guest

    What does support say?
    Cliff, Sep 22, 2005
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