multiple transient sims within a montecarlo loop via ocean

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by danmc, Jul 22, 2005.

  1. danmc

    danmc Guest

    Is there anyway to use ocean to cause spectre put multiple transient
    simulations inside of a monteCarlo loop? Basically what I want is

    1) roll the dice on my statistics blocks

    2) set a design parameter to some value

    3) run a sim

    4) use alter to change the design parameter

    5) run another sim

    6) go back to #1

    What I can do is

    desVar("MYVAR" 2.3)

    desVar("MYVAR" 6.2)

    but this causes the dice rolling to happen multiple times. I can use
    ?startIter and ?numIters to control things, but I don't want to have to
    spend the overhead of rolling the dice multiple times when it is not

    In other words, the

    awaiting artil process initialization ....

    **** Performing monte carlo loop for `mc1'

    part of the analysis takes a rather long time so I don't want to repeat
    it when it is not required.

    danmc, Jul 22, 2005
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