Multiple Text Editing ADT2006

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by chewy, Apr 27, 2006.

  1. chewy

    chewy Guest


    After wasting a few solid hours trying to find something, I am about to
    resign on it. So here goes: Does ANYONE know any way in ADT2006 that
    I can edit multiple text entities like the "textedit" command in ADT3.3
    did? It is a pain having to select each text entity and enter then the
    next, I would rather select them in an order and edit them much

    And before you ask me if this is really a time-saving device, you try
    the two different techniques with labeling elevations on a section for
    a project that has 150' of elevation variance.
    chewy, Apr 27, 2006
  2. chewy

    Carl00711 Guest

    You sound really p*ssed off about this, well, the answer is; Edit ->
    Find, enter search string (with wildcards as appropriate) and use the
    Find, Replace or Replace All functions.

    Hope this is what you are after.
    Carl00711, Apr 28, 2006
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