Multiple Save

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by annie.p, Jul 23, 2004.

  1. annie.p

    annie.p Guest

    Can i save my drg to more than one locations at the same time? this will create a standbye back-up folder for me.
    annie.p, Jul 23, 2004
  2. We use Movebak, from the express tools. This allows us to relocate all the backup files to from each project directory to a single location
    craigboddington, Jul 23, 2004
  3. The first one saves the drawing in two places, and leaves you where you are.
    The second sets the Layer to 0, zooms to the drawing limits, saves in two
    places, and closes the drawing. The third does the same but gets out of
    AutoCAD. Change the "C:/A2000/WD/" in each to the filepath of the place
    where you want the second copy saved.

    [SaveCont]^C^CQSAVE ;(command "SAVE" (strcat "C:/A2000/WD/" (getvar
    "DWGNAME"))) Y
    [SaveClose]^C^C-LAYER S 0 ZOOM W (getvar "LIMMIN") (getvar "limmax") QSAVE
    ;(command "SAVE" (strcat "C:/A2000/WD/" (getvar "DWGNAME"))) Y CLOSE
    [SaveExit]^C^C-LAYER S 0 ZOOM W (getvar "LIMMIN") (getvar "limmax") QSAVE
    ;(command "SAVE" (strcat "C:/A2000/WD/" (getvar "DWGNAME"))) Y QUIT

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    create a standbye back-up folder for me.
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 23, 2004
  4. I should mention that the "Y" in each of these is for when you've already
    got the same drawing name saved to that secondary backup location, and it
    asks whether you want to replace it. If you don't (the first time you do
    this with a given drawing name), it just says it doesn't know that command,
    but it doesn't affect the operation (unless you've got a routine defined
    under the name "Y").

    Kent Cooper, AIA

    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 23, 2004
  5. I should also mention that these do QSAVE twice, because I found in some
    release or other that the drawing file size went down when you did that.
    That may not be true any more. And I think it ensured that the .bak file
    was also updated, but now you have the option in AutoCAD whether you want
    that to happen. If you set it to also update the backup file with every
    save, you'll end up with .bak files in the secondary backup location as well
    as the main drawing location, so there will be FOUR files for each drawing.
    (I have a little DOS batch file icon on my desktop, which I invoke once in a
    while, to delete those "extra" backups.)

    Kent Cooper, AIA
    Kent Cooper, AIA, Jul 23, 2004
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