Multiple power in RF design

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by CADillac, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. CADillac

    CADillac Guest

    I have multiple ground in a RF environment. They get shorted through
    the substrate with the ptie. I have to create a PSUB2 layer to put
    around these multiple power blocks to isolate the sub around a
    particular transistor to prevent LVS shorting. What is the simplest
    "logic" for such a code ( in Calibre or Assura )that I can add to a
    existing deck without disturbing it too much...This question has
    probably been asked many time but I cannot find it in the archive... i
    appreciate your resposnse.

    Best regards
    CADillac, Mar 17, 2005
  2. CADillac

    G Vandevalk Guest

    This depends on how the deck codes the substrate at present!

    Typically you could copy the code for the substrate conductor
    into another layer (PSUB2!) and then "connect" the PSUB2
    islands to the "Substrate" layer with the "device" created by a copy of

    (then recode each connection to the substrate in each device to connect
    to the PSUB2 conductor and create a "tiedown" 2 terminal device betweeen
    each PSUB2 supply and the global substrate.)

    (make the tiedown2 unseen by lvs!)

    - Gerry
    G Vandevalk, Mar 19, 2005
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