Multiple montecarlo analysis with different seed value

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by vikas, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. vikas

    vikas Guest

    Hello all,

    I am trying to run multiple montecarlo simulation(with diff seed
    value) from same input file. I do'nt see if i can define a seed from
    GUI. So I manually edit the input file, and add multiple analysis.
    After some syntex eror i got simulation working.

    My problem is i am not able to see the family curve for each MC
    analysis.I have given output file different name ,but still can see
    only one curve for each analysis.

    Can anybody suggest me how can i see the family of curves?I am sure
    there has to be a way of seeing all the curve.My input file somewhat
    looks like this......

    simulator lang=spectre
    global 0 vdd!
    include "all model file"

    netlist with subcircuit definition
    simulatorOptions ------

    mc1 montecarlo numruns=10 seed=1 variations=process donominal=yes \
    paramfile="../monteCarlo/mcparam1" \
    processparamfile="../monteCarlo/processParam1" \
    processscalarfile="../monteCarlo/processData1" savefamilyplots=yes
    tran1 tran stop=350n write="spectre1.ic" writefinal="spectre1.fc".....
    pss1 ( net54 net53 ) pss fund=2.4G harms=5
    pnoise1 ( net54 net53 ) pnoise sweeptype=relative....
    modelParameter1 info what=models where=rawfile
    element1 info what=inst where=rawfile
    outputParameter1 info what=output where=rawfile
    export noExprs1=oceanEval("0")
    saveOptions1 options save=allpub

    mc2 montecarlo numruns=10 seed=2 variations=process donominal=yes \
    paramfile="../monteCarlo/mcparam2" \
    processparamfile="../monteCarlo/processParam2" \
    processscalarfile="../monteCarlo/processData2" savefamilyplots=yes
    tran2 tran stop=350n write="spectre.ic" writefinal="spectre.fc" .....
    pss2 ( net54 net53 ) pss fund=2.4G harms=5
    pnoise2 ( net54 net53 ) pnoise sweeptype=relative.....
    modelParameter2 ....
    saveOptions2 options save=allpub

    vikas, Jun 27, 2004
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