Multiple layout instances with one schematic instance

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Suzy.Jackson, Feb 17, 2005.

  1. Suzy.Jackson

    Suzy.Jackson Guest


    I'm doing an RF-CMOS design, and as part of the layout have filled
    unused areas with a bypass cell. There are a many hundreds of these
    cells on the layout. Rather than having to fill my schematic with a
    corresponding number of bypass instances, I was wondering if it was
    possible to use just one, with a parameter to indicate multiple layout

    My design kit (IBM) has a parameter called Multiplicity that's attached
    to many pcells as CDF data, so I tried adding this parameter to my
    bypass component using the CDF editor with no luck. It's simply
    ignored when I run LVS, so LVS reports that there is a differing number
    of components between the extracted and schematic views.

    Anyone have any ideas?


    Suzy.Jackson, Feb 17, 2005
  2. Hm... that's peculiar. I'll check the PCR database at work tomorrow to
    see if it's a known issue; it could be the PDK, too, though.

    In the meantime you could try using iterated instances; just give the
    bypass component a name in the form I<n:m>. For example, I<1:7> would
    netlist out to seven devices with the names I<1>, I<2>, I<3>, ..., I<7>.
    In Virtuoso XL, the angle brackets become parens: |I(1), |I(2), ...

    Hope this helps.
    David Cuthbert, Feb 17, 2005
  3. Suzy.Jackson

    G Vandevalk Guest

    (are these cells in parallel?) Permute parallel? (assuming you modify the
    lvs deck!)
    If not place an iterated instance.

    Tell extract to ignore them? (ReadThe Manual! Not for the faint of heart!)

    What is a bypass cell? Does it contain any active devices.
    (If not, and the supply nets are connected, a properly written lvs deck can
    be set up to prune them!)
    (This again assumes you examine and modify the lvs deck if required)

    You say the lvs netlister ignores the multiplicity cdf. Have you looked at
    the CDF in question?
    (note that the lvs deck must be crafted to expect this parameter or it is
    not useful to try to
    netlist this out to LVS.)

    If the device is truly a parasitic, then the deck can be written to ignore
    also adding a lvsIgnore property of true to the symbol can prevent it from
    being netlisted to lvs.
    This is only ok for true parasititics that are not feedthru's (i.e.
    different code is needed for parasitic resistors!)

    Gerry Vandevalk
    IC Tooling Ltd.
    613-831-1572 613-240-5326(mobile)
    3 Jacqueline Crescent,Stittsville
    Ontario,Canada K2S 1M1
    G Vandevalk, Feb 17, 2005
  4. Suzy.Jackson

    S.Badel Guest

    I don't know what's your bypass cell, neither do I know what software
    you use for LVS but i can guess/tell/ask the following:

    - bypass is a "dummy cell" (or do you have some instance that "count"
    and others that do not?)

    - you want lvs to pass regardless of the number of these cells (ie you
    want to ignore them, or do you want to match the number?)

    LVS softs usually have a mechanism to "ignore cells", typically for
    dummies. it can be dangerous but if you know what you're doing it's
    fine. for example in diva you can add a property 'lvsIgnore' (not 100%
    sure of the name...) to do that. assura has parameter named '?ignoreCell'.
    As to have the cells merged into a single 'parrallel equivalent' with m
    extracted, it doesn't seem possible (as is) to me. this works only for
    mos/res/cap etc.. (lvs just cannot merge any cell - two opamps merged
    into one with m=2 does this make sense?). on trick could be to extract
    the cell as a device (tell him it's a capacitor for example). then they
    could be merged.

    maybe you can provide more details

    S.Badel, Feb 17, 2005
  5. Not knowing what tool you are using, I will respond as if it is Diva, my
    area of expertise.

    Assuming these bypass cells are being extracted as capacitors, as in
    bypass caps spread around to reduce power supply transients, yes there
    is a way to deal with them simply, in the way you describe.

    The LVS rule deck must have a permuteDevice(parallel) rule for the
    device type the capacitor netlists as. Referenced by that rule is a
    SKILL procedure that combines the values, either by adding them
    together, or by counting how many there are with the same value. This
    allows the comparison routine to effectively see one layout capacitor.
    Your schematic capacitor would have the total capacitance, or the count,
    as a property that gets netlisted. This lets the SKILL procedure in the
    compareDeviceProperty rule validate the number of capacitors.

    I would expect IBM to have supplied a LVS rule deck to handle the
    parallel capacitors, since the extract deck is recognizing them. Perhaps
    contacting the design kit group at IBM would be a good idea. I will be
    happy to look at the rule deck and send you specific advice if you can
    email it to me, along with small schematic and layout netlists. Extract
    a small dummy design with the bypass capacitors, run LVS, then send me
    the divaLVS.rul, layout/netlist and schematic/netlist from the run
    directory. I do not need the layout and schematic cells for this.

    An alternative approach is to not have a schematic capacitor and use the
    removeDevice rule to have the layout instances ignored. This assumes you
    do not have the need to check for the correct number of bypass
    capacitors, and that it does not matter what they are connected to. I
    find this a less than acceptable approach, since removeDevice cannot
    check that the device is only connected to power and ground. An
    improperly connected bypass capacitor is effectively a short between two
    active signal nets.
    Diva Physical Verification, Feb 17, 2005
  6. Suzy.Jackson

    Suzy.Jackson Guest

    Your guess is correct, I am using Diva for LVS. My knowledge of
    Cadence is pretty rudimentary though, and I have no idea what an LVS
    deck is. I just run the LVS and then try to interpret the error
    messages in the output :)

    The physical device that I'm using as a bypass capacitor is a pair of
    fets connected back-to-back, such that their combined source gate
    capacitance is across the power supply. The metal layers above the
    fets have two stripes each, forst vertical, then horizontal, etc up
    through the stack, with contacts through the stack connecting all the
    stripes to power and ground. The idea is that by butting two or more
    of the cells together, power and ground are distributed through the lot
    with nice low impedance. They use up extra area on the chip, and
    ensure the density rules are met.

    The actual number isn't important, as they're just being used to bypass
    power and DC control nets to ground. However I still want them to be
    included in the DRC, as if I connect one up wrong it'll invariably
    result in a vdd-gnd short, which would be frustrating.

    David Cuthberts idea of using iterated instances in the schematic works
    a treat. All I have to do is count the number of bypass instances in
    the layout, and enter that in the schematic.

    Thankyou all for your help.


    Suzy.Jackson, Feb 18, 2005
  7. (although if you're using VXL, it may not make that much difference, if the
    kit supports autoabutment of the devices).

    Also, it's less efficient from a simulation point of view, because iterated
    instances create more devices and a bigger matrix to solve, rather than being
    taken account of as a separate multiplier in the model. There are cases where
    you want them to be separate, but they are few.

    I'd raise this with the PDK vendor.


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 18, 2005
  8. I didn't say that. That said, from a quick scan, I couldn't find a PCR for
    this. I know Assura-RCX can do this combination of parallel devices leading
    to an m-factor, though.

    I do have a PCR for the other way:

    PCR: 419311
    Title: montecarlo and dcmatch need to allow mismatch with m factor

    Which is to allow you to use m-factor, but still be able to use statistical
    analyses on the individual subdevices.
    I don't think it would help that much (if at all). You can always try it by
    using spectre's global statement - the first node in the list of global nodes
    is taken as the reference (see "spectre -h global" for more details).


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 20, 2005
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