Multiple designs in SKILL

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by marcoballins, Oct 3, 2008.

  1. marcoballins

    marcoballins Guest

    Hi skilled cadence users!

    With the GUI I can start multiple instances (i.e. windows) of the
    Analog Design Environment.
    Each will keep it's settings (design variables, analysis, etc.)
    independently of the others.
    When you run one design in an ADE instance it will set the correct
    design to the simulator, call the design variables for *that* design,
    run the analysis for *that* design, etc..

    In Ocean I set the design with the design() function, then set the
    design variables with desVar(), set the analysis with analysis(),
    etc.. The information is retrieved with the command without specifying
    the argument.
    All these functions are interfaces to a global "hidden"object that
    stores this information.
    This mean that you can only access the design settings one design at a

    I would prefer to have a functionality as multiple windows in ADE.
    That is, I would prefer to be able to store this settings in an
    object, e.g. a struct, which is not hidden and can be assigned to a
    variable. I thinking about something like
    simulationObject1 = newSimulationObject()
    simulationObject2 = newSimulationObject()
    setDesign(simulationObject1 "myLib" "myCell" "schematic")
    setDesign(simulationObject2 "myLib" "myCell" "schematic")
    setAnalysis(simulationObject1 'dc ...)
    setAnalysis(simulationObject2 'dc ...)

    Is this is somehow possible? I mean, is this functionality already
    there? (maybe not in Ocean and surely with a different syntax).

    marcoballins, Oct 3, 2008
  2. marcoballins

    marcoballins Guest

    Just to correct few mistakes there. I intended:
    simulationObject1 = newSimulationObject()
    simulationObject2 = newSimulationObject()
    setDesign(simulationObject1 "myLib" "myCell1" "schematic")
    setDesign(simulationObject2 "myLib" "myCell2" "schematic")
    setAnalysis(simulationObject1 'dc ...)
    setAnalysis(simulationObject2 'dc ...)
    marcoballins, Oct 3, 2008
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