we are running ADT2004. this question relates to the ACAD2004 product. currently we have all CTBs in a read-only folder on the network. this started out as only our official office standards CTBs. though since deploying the new software i have have realized that there are alot of consultants we use that require differing CTBs. so many that it is not efficient to put all of them in the same folder. user A has different CTBs than user B so the extras from each just cause troubles for the other. we have 40 users so it fills up quick. is there anyway besides setting the locations for the CTBs to look in one folder and then look in another subsequent folder if the CTB is not found (like fonts). maybe putting them in the project folder. i suppose i could put these in a network folder that is edittable by the users that can be managed. but this means the 20 that we all use would be repeated 40 times. any advice?