Multipart pathes

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Guenther Sohler, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. Hallo group,

    i am looking at the cadence MPP(multipart pathes)
    and they seem to be very effective when creating guardrings etc.

    However it seems to be a very big effort to create them unless they
    are completely created by a skill script, because if you select the
    MPP from the menu, you always have to specify manually all the layers.

    In't it possible to finally provide something like the 'o' for Contacts ;
    that could mean:

    you press 'p' select the Path Type(NTAP, PTAP usw) ,draw the path points
    and finally get your guard ring.

    Is't this already possible, or do i just miss something ....

    Guenther Sohler, Aug 16, 2007
  2. Guenther Sohler

    Marc Heise Guest

    Hi Guenther,

    yes you missed something. You can save your MPPs into a template file or (if you
    have write access) into the technology file. Just use the "Save" button at the
    bottom of the MPP form.
    So next time you load your template and just select the type of MPP you like to
    draw from the list of predefined MPPs.

    Marc Heise, Aug 16, 2007
  3. Guenther Sohler

    noopster Guest

    after selecting create->multipart path hit the "F3" key this brings
    up a property form.
    the MPP templates are what you are looking for, they can be saved and
    loaded. Click on the
    button labelled "MPP Template" (it usually is labelled New) to see if
    any are already defined
    in the technology file for the process you are using.
    noopster, Aug 16, 2007
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