Multi-User install with Toolbox

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JJ, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. JJ

    JJ Guest

    I'm sure I've done this before but I just can't seem to get it to work. I
    just started working a t a place that has about 5 seats and is using
    individual local installs of Toolbox. I want to migrate them to a
    multi-user environment. Just to be sure, I even had my VAR send me
    instructions. Basically it tells you to do the following:

    1) Find a shared spot on the server and put the TB data there. Set read
    only permissions on "browser" subfolder and contents.
    2) Modify the TB .ini file on each work station to point to the shared
    3) Rename the original TB data folder on each work station so that the
    install can't find it. (It can be deleted after you are sure everything is

    Pretty straight foward stuff but, once I do it and I fire up SolidWorks, I
    get the message "The data folder NONE/browser, which is required for
    Toolbox browser, does not exist."

    Once started, and an assembly is open, there is no tab in the feature
    manager area for Toolbox. If I toggle it from the SW Office toolbar, I get
    the same message as at startup.

    It seems that, somehow, the new path in the .ini file is not working
    correctly yet I've verified it several times. I've even used different
    methods of listing the path; with a mapped drive (z:\toolbox data\) and
    with a shared folder (\\servername\toolbox data\).

    Any advice appreciated.

    JJ, Aug 24, 2004
  2. JJ

    JJ Guest

    Well, I figured it out. The answer seems to be that the .ini file is very
    picky about syntax.

    By default it reads:

    [Toolbox environment configuration file]
    Creation=8/23/2004 at 5:36:22
    ToolboxPartFolder=C:\program files\common files\solidworks data\

    To make it easier to reverse changes, I commented the original destination
    before appending the new:

    [Toolbox environment configuration file]
    Creation=8/23/2004 at 5:36:22
    [ToolboxPartFolder=C:\program files\common files\solidworks data\]

    It doesn't like this but it seems to be okay with:

    [Toolbox environment configuration file]
    Creation=8/23/2004 at 5:36:22

    Or even:

    [Toolbox environment configuration file]
    Creation=8/23/2004 at 5:36:22
    [ToolboxPartFolder=C:\program files\common files\solidworks data\]

    Strange, but I thought I'd passs it along.

    JJ, Aug 24, 2004
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