Multi-user environment configuration

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Ken, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Ken

    Ken Guest

    I'm setting up multiple PC's with autocad 2000 on win 2000 OS. Each pc is
    set up using its own local acad & license. We are not operating a license
    server. Each pc is set up for multiple users to log on.
    Unfortunately as new each user logs onto each pc for the first time autocad
    has to be completely reconfigured to the company standard. We tried
    exporting and importing the profile under settings. That did help move some
    (but not all) of the settings from one user to another. However I'm still
    having to spend 10 minutes for each user per pc to set up the remaining
    settings. After this is done I'm unable to find any new file dates where
    this information is recorded by autocad.

    I've tried this both using a local default user from the pc and one from the
    exchange server but can not find the data storage file on either. I have
    lots of PC's to configure and lots of users moving from machine to machine
    with each new drafting project. So finding the storage location would save
    lots of time.

    My question:
    Where does autocad store the individual users configuration data?

    any hints on how to do this?
    Ken, Mar 4, 2004
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