multi-sheet sheet format

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by kerila, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. kerila

    kerila Guest

    I'm new to SW, so please be extra detailed with any help you may

    I'm trying to create my drawing title blocks, SW calls these "sheet
    fomats." Mine need 2 unique pages (sheets) or title blocks. Page 1 is
    the full title block. Page 2 is essentially the same, but the title
    block has been "slimmed down" to only a few key pieces of information.
    Can I create my 2nd page in the same "sheet format" file? I've tried
    it a few times and it seems to only save the page I was working on at
    the time of the save. In other words, I'll get either page 1 or page
    2. When I test it out and I add a 2nd sheet to a part drawing, I
    always get the exact same title block that showed on sheet 1. Does SW
    do what I'm trying to accomplish? If so, how do I need to proceed to
    accomplish this? If not, how can I create a reasonable work around?

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated.


    kerila, Dec 10, 2007
  2. kerila

    Mark Guest

    You'll need to set up separate sheet formats for p1, p2 (slddrt).
    Once have them both set up, save them separately by selecting each
    sheet and doing file/save format... with two distinct names
    (henceforth P1, P2) to some appropriate location (if you're in a multi-
    user environment you probably want that to keep all your customized
    stuff in a centrally accessible location on your server). Load P1
    into a drwdot template and save that to the same place; make sure SW
    is pointed at the correct template directory (tools/options/file
    locations/document templates).
    When you make drawings, the drwdot provides P1 for each drawing. If
    you need a second page, add a sheet. If you set up the template
    directory correctly, you'll see a list of your saved formats without
    having to browse; just select P2 to use that format on the second (and
    third, and...) page.
    Hope that helps,
    Mark, Dec 10, 2007
  3. kerila

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I will add to what mark said by saying that if you will always (or
    regularly) need a 2 sheet drawing, you can create a 2 sheet drawing
    template. You can have it set up with your choice of sheet formats on
    both sheets.

    After you have created your sheet format files (slddrt), simply start
    a new drawing and set your desired sheet format for sheet #1. Then
    add a sheet and set your desired sheet format for sheet #2. Then save
    this as a drawing template.

    The only issue that may be a problem that I can think of is that when
    started new, this drawing template will by default have those sheet
    formats (sheet sizes) loaded by default. If you always use the same
    size sheet formats, then this shouldn't be any issue. If you
    regularly use various sheet sizes, you would probably be better off
    simply using a single sheet drawing template and adding the 2nd sheet
    as and when needed.

    Seth Renigar, Dec 11, 2007
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