multi dimensional array

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Alex, Dec 22, 2004.

  1. Alex

    Alex Guest

    Very simple question:How to sort multi dimensional array?
    Can anybody help me?

    Alex, Dec 22, 2004
  2. Alex

    aks Guest

    I don't think the AutoCAD regulars can see your post because you may
    not have posted through Autodesk's guards. Anyway, here is sort
    routine that sorts a two column array. It was brute force adapted
    from a single column sorting routine. The col argument designates
    which column to sort on. Depending on what you need to do (the number
    of columns) , this may be a solution for you.

    Sub QSort2(List() As Variant, Col As Integer)
    ' an extremely fast sort method!!
    ' Sorts an array using Quick Sort algorithm
    ' Adapted from "Visual Basic Developers Guide"
    Dim i, j, B, k As Integer
    Dim l As Integer, t As String, r As Integer, d As Integer
    Dim t1 As String
    Dim p(1 To 100) As Integer
    Dim w(1 To 100) As Integer
    On Error GoTo ErrExit
    k = 1
    p(k) = LBound(List, 2)
    w(k) = UBound(List, 2)
    l = 0 ' was 1
    d = 1
    r = UBound(List, 2)

    Select Case Col
    Case Is = 1
    If r - l < 9 Then GoTo bubsort1
    i = l
    j = r
    While j > i
    If UCase(List(0, i)) > UCase(List(0, j)) Then
    t = List(0, j)
    t1 = List(1, j)
    List(0, j) = List(0, i)
    List(1, j) = List(1, i)
    List(0, i) = t
    List(1, i) = t1
    d = -d
    End If
    If d = -1 Then
    j = j - 1
    i = i + 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
    k = k + 1
    If i - l < r - j Then
    p(k) = j
    w(k) = r
    r = i
    p(k) = l
    w(k) = i
    l = j
    End If
    d = -d
    GoTo toploop1
    If r - l > 0 Then
    For i = l To r
    B = i
    For j = B + 1 To r
    If UCase(List(0, j)) <= UCase(List(0, B)) Then B =
    Next j
    If i <> B Then
    t = List(0, B)
    t1 = List(1, B)
    List(0, B) = List(0, i)
    List(1, B) = List(1, i)
    List(0, i) = t
    List(1, i) = t1
    End If
    Next i
    End If
    l = p(k)
    r = w(k)
    k = k - 1
    Loop Until k = 0

    Case Is = 2

    If r - l < 9 Then GoTo bubsort2
    i = l
    j = r
    While j > i
    If UCase(List(1, i)) > UCase(List(1, j)) Then
    t = List(0, j)
    t1 = List(1, j)
    List(0, j) = List(0, i)
    List(1, j) = List(1, i)
    List(0, i) = t
    List(1, i) = t1
    d = -d
    End If
    If d = -1 Then
    j = j - 1
    i = i + 1
    End If
    j = j + 1
    k = k + 1
    If i - l < r - j Then
    p(k) = j
    w(k) = r
    r = i
    p(k) = l
    w(k) = i
    l = j
    End If
    d = -d
    GoTo toploop2
    If r - l > 0 Then
    For i = l To r
    B = i
    For j = B + 1 To r
    If UCase(List(1, j)) <= UCase(List(1, B)) Then B =
    Next j
    If i <> B Then
    t = List(0, B)
    t1 = List(1, B)
    List(0, B) = List(0, i)
    List(1, B) = List(1, i)
    List(0, i) = t
    List(1, i) = t1
    End If
    Next i
    End If
    l = p(k)
    r = w(k)
    k = k - 1
    Loop Until k = 0

    End Select

    On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub

    aks, Dec 22, 2004
  3. Alex

    Alex Guest

    Thanks, that what I need.

    Alex, Dec 23, 2004
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