Multi-Core CPUs & SolidWorks?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, May 13, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Also Seth Renigar.

    I would also like to see a benchamrk that segregates performance for the
    various "vertical industries" or whatever they're called now.

    Unfortunatley, simply converting files doesn't really exercise SW. That
    would be more of an IO test. (What's the point of an IO test when most of
    the time spent saving has nothing to do with file transfer?) We would
    probably need to run ForceRebuild3(false), which is more thorough than

    Rant: Even that would only exercise the CPU. We still need some meaningful
    test of the video card. Unfortunately, by the time you have a model that
    can tax current video cards, the SW UI is so bogged down that you can't
    work any faster. Just today I added a feature that shows a rebuild time of
    zero, even though it took almost 5 seconds for the UI to catch up.
    Dale Dunn, May 17, 2007
  2. Bo

    TOP Guest

    Again, I use TSToolbox to time in-house models.

    There are:

    Ship in a Bottle -- fairly complex part that taxes both CPU and
    graphics. By setting the graphics at full fast and full slow you can
    get a feel for the contribution each makes.

    STAR2.1 -- definitely checks out the CPU only. Interestingly Intel and
    AMD typically will score very different on the modeling portion, but
    still be quite close on the rebuild times.

    PatBench -- large pattern check and on older SW releases checks the
    maximum amount of memory SW will use.

    SpecAPC -- good for tuning a machine and stress testing. As a
    benchmark it sucks because they change it so often.

    Perhaps I could turn those truncated icosadodecahedron models into
    some sort of benchmark if the authors agreed to it.

    IO is the hardest thing to check because the OS gets involved and with
    caching it is hard to tell whether a file is coming from disk, network
    or ram cache.

    The other thing that is hard to evaluate, and you can see it in STAR
    is that after SW is done building the model there is a big wait while
    it writes to disk. This is not included in the current timing
    algorithms. But it could be.


    TOP, May 17, 2007
  3. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Again, I use TSToolbox to time in-house models.

    Oh yeah? Well my watch has a chronograph on it!
    I actually inadvertantly turned one of those into a stress test. Someone on
    the SW forum asked how to do an extarnal thread as a library feature. Well,
    I thought that sounded like fun, so I did it. I needed a test model with
    faces oriented to all 8 quadrants (octants?) to make sure something
    wouldn't flip, so I used the truncated icosahedron. Of course, the helical
    cut took a little time to rebuild. What surprised me was that every
    successive thread I inserted required exponentially longer to rebuild, so
    that the 8th one took quite a while to rebuild. That was SW06, I think.
    Dale Dunn, May 17, 2007
  4. Bo

    TOP Guest

    Now there is an idea. Take all the pathological models and turn them
    into a benchmark.

    TOP, May 18, 2007
  5. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Hmm. This has me thinking about the fact that reported rebuild time is
    often far less than the time we have to wait. I think they call this
    "friction" in the interface. I would be interested to see if this is
    linearly proportional to rebuild time, if if veries between systems, and
    how much it varies between versions. I did some subjective testing between
    05, 07 and 08 b1 yesterday, and there seems to have been some serious
    progress made since 05. A matter of 8-10 seconds vs 3-4 seconds to add a
    feature that shows a rebuild time of zero.
    Dale Dunn, May 18, 2007
  6. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Hmm. This has me thinking about the fact that reported rebuild time is
    often far less than the time we have to wait. I think they call this
    "friction" in the interface. I would be interested to see if this is
    linearly proportional to rebuild time, if if veries between systems, and
    how much it varies between versions. I did some subjective testing between
    05, 07 and 08 b1 yesterday, and there seems to have been some serious
    progress made since 05. A matter of 8-10 seconds vs 3-4 seconds to add a
    feature that shows a rebuild time of zero.
    Dale Dunn, May 18, 2007
  7. Bo

    TOP Guest

    Yup, a proprietary graphics standard will allow a monopoly to dictate
    what platform CAD runs on. Right now there is a choice.
    Several OS support serious CAD.
    Unix - CATIA, UG, Pro/E, and perhaps some lesser known
    Windows XP - The above plus mid range modelers and AutoCAD
    Windows NT and 2k - Ditto XP but only older versions.
    MaxOS - SolidWorks, and others (don't know if they use OGL or
    something else)
    Linux - Pro/E and others.
    I invest in high end graphics cards with a much longer time horizon
    since at least as far as SW is concerned it only takes a CPU and
    motherboard upgrade to keep up at minimum cost.
    If it ain't broke, why fix it? What in the world is wrong with OpenGL
    as far as CAD is concerned? I have yet to see a post on the NG
    complaining about graphics issues other than driver problems.

    If it is MicroSoft throwing people and money on the problem don't bank
    on it. They haven't gotten the OS right yet and it has been 14 or 15
    years since New Technology (NT) was going to save the world from Unix
    and MAC.

    SW got it right when there were very few people working on the
    problem. The bigger they grow the more problems there are. Getting it
    right doesn't always scale with the number of people working on it.


    If it ain't broke don't fix it. SW is moving away from letting the
    graphics card do all the work anyway.
    TOP, May 19, 2007
  8. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Top of the morning to you all, and I have for all...ONE word...for
    user benefits...

    <- - -CHOICE- - ->

    It is the only thing that allows users to keep the damn suppliers on
    their toes. MS does NOT promote choice on their OS. It is the
    Redmond highway or noway they want promoted.

    Microsoft became complacent in the late 90s once they became a super-
    majority supplier and could virtually dictate terms to everyone. Now
    they are trying to muscle in on audio, video, graphics, replacing
    Java, .Net. I think MS is spread to thin, trying to "be all, end

    Frankly, I can't see the benefit of Microsoft's OS in today's web
    world. I can see the value in various programs I use on the OS, like
    SolidWorks, but the OS is a bitch if you take it online, and sort of
    OK if you keep it off the net. That is not an OS I want to write home

    If the CAD guys start seeing better ways to run their products on
    other OSs, I think we will see more viable options appear. Mac &
    Linux use in some organizations and colleges is on a major up spike,
    and it is not hard to see why, just in reduced maintenance time.

    IT guys are seeing the Mac as a boon. Run Mac OS, BSD, Solaris,
    Windows, DOS, Linux, and all from one box with several running at the
    same time if needed.

    Where is the "run anywhere" mantra when users want it?

    Bo, May 19, 2007
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