Multi-Core CPUs & SolidWorks?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, May 13, 2007.

  1. Bo

    Bo Guest

    Is there any news out there on what is coming down the line with
    SolidWorks which may speed up our work with these CPUs?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, May 13, 2007
  2. don't expect too much : CAD has no clear multithreadad structure.
    Think about the features dependency tree : theres is little you can do
    in parallel. Read
    However, parellizing some long to rebuild features like shells should
    be possible...

    So with dual cores, you can read your mails while your CAD rebuilds...
    With quad cores, you might have some FEA running for hours while
    you're designing something else.
    Philippe Guglielmetti, May 13, 2007
  3. Bo

    Bo Guest

    AND...with Microsoft trying to upset the OpenGL display system with
    its own "Java Killer" methods of trying to establish its OWN
    PROPRIETARY graphics display system, we seem to be entering another
    possible arena for slowdowns in SolidWorks.


    Are we going to get UNIX support before MicroSoft squishes us all?

    Bo, May 14, 2007
  4. Then why, in the may issues of Desktop Engineering, do dual Xeon
    systems blow everything away on the SPECapc Solidworks 2005 tests?

    It makes it look like this 'don't bother with dual processors' stuff
    is not accurate.
    RaceBikesOrWork, May 14, 2007
  5. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    The explanation is in the linked article. The solid modeling kernel and a
    few other key components do use multithreading where possible. So, multiple
    Xeon processors will have some advantage over single Xeon. The issue is
    whether it's worth the extra cost.
    Dale Dunn, May 14, 2007
  6. Bo

    matt Guest

    For certain types of models, I think dual core does have a huge positive
    impact. I haven't taken the time yet to research this fully, but on
    several models, I have seen both processors pegged at 100%, not for the
    entire rebuild, but maybe for 60-40% of the rebuild. My guess is that
    these are multibody models or surface models which are normally
    multibody. Assemblies and drawings should also benefit from dual
    threading. The test is over a year old now I think, but I pitted my dual
    core AMD X2 4800+ against a single core AMD FX57, and sometimes, but not
    on every model, the 4800+ came out on top. The FX57 was at the time the
    fastest single core available.
    matt, May 14, 2007
  7. Bo

    alphawave Guest

    Slightly OT but ...

    If one was to run SWX on a dual core (or twin CPU) PC it would be
    possible to start 2 sessions of SWX and force 1 session to run on core
    (or processor) A and the second on core (or processor) B?

    alphawave, May 14, 2007
  8. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    If one was to run SWX on a dual core (or twin CPU) PC it would be
    It is possible, but I've never actually done it. IIRC the process is to
    find the sldworks.exe process in the task manager, right click on it and
    find "set processor affinity". It shouldn't be necessary though, because
    the OS will automatically make sure that two separate high-load threads run
    on separate cores. I'm not sure if Windows optimally manages multi-socket
    multi-core systems (there would be some memory bandwidth and latency
    issues) but for a single dual-core CPU you shouldn't need to set anything.
    Dale Dunn, May 14, 2007
  9. Bo

    TOP Guest

    See my postings to the SPECapc thread that was current as of a day or
    two ago. SPECapc DOES NOT measure CPU performance, it measures
    graphics performance. If you want to see CPU performance, take a long
    to rebuild part and run it on difference machines. Or run Ship in a
    Bottle or STAR2.1. Did the Xeon's have some big expensive graphics
    card in them also?

    Multicore machines can greatly speed up SW in theory. Consider that in
    an assembly any part that does not have in context features can be
    rebuilt simultaneously with any other similar part. The solution of
    mates is, I believe, a process that can be parallelized. But it will
    take the vendors that SW licenses from to change to get this to work.
    SW is at the mercy of it's vendors and long is that list.

    Consider also that in theory parts can be sped up when the feature
    tree has many branches starting high up because each branch is

    In fact, multicore machines do not make more than a few percent
    difference with anything but drawings and PhotoWorks.

    TOP, May 14, 2007
  10. Bo

    swizzle Guest

    Theoretically, yes.

    You would have to start both sessions of SWX. Then go into the Windows Task
    Manager and find the processes for each session. You can set the affinity
    of each process to a different core/chip/processor.

    swizzle, May 14, 2007
  11. Bo

    TOP Guest

    You probably don't want or need to set affinity. The OS should divvy
    up the clock cycles just like it does when a single SW process is
    running. Since SW is not likely to be running full speed
    simultaneously on both CPUs you will give the OS a chance to find the
    best solution.

    If you do set affinity then when those times arise that SW can utilize
    both CPUs it won't and will therefore run a few percent slower.

    TOP, May 15, 2007
  12. Bo

    TOP Guest

    1. OpenGL is open, direct X is not.
    2. OpenGL works on any OS
    3. There is a lot invested in the hardware
    4. Work and devlopment doesn't always translate into performance and
    5. There is no perceived need. Can directX make drawings faster? Can
    it shorten rebuild times in drawings and large assemblies?
    TOP, May 16, 2007
  13. Here is an interesting link on the subject.
    RaceBikesOrWork, May 16, 2007
  14. Bo

    jimsym Guest

    <SPECapc DOES NOT measure CPU performance, it measures
    graphics performance.>

    This is simply NOT TRUE. SPECapc results scale directly with CPU
    performance. If anything, the SPECapc for SolidWorks benchmark
    understates the importance of the graphics card.

    For example, in benchmark testing conducted by CADCAMnet, the Quadro
    FX4500 outperforms the FX550 by only 5.7% (294 secs vs 312 secs.)
    Similar results have been reported by Desktop Engineering, MCADonline
    and other publications.

    SPEC ViewPerf is another matter entirely. Viewperfs are synthetic
    benchmarks that are highly skewed to the graphics card. In my
    experience, they bear little resemblance to real-world results.
    jimsym, May 16, 2007
  15. Bo

    TOP Guest

    Care to post links or dates and author's names. I always take with a
    grain of salt magazine benchmarks unless I can repeat them.


    PS Do the results on the SPECapc website scale with CPU speed?
    TOP, May 16, 2007
  16. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    When I was playing with overclocking a few years ago, I found that the
    benchmark scaled almost linearly with clock speed for the CPU portion of
    the test. Graphics was relatively unaffected. I think this was SPECapc SW
    Dale Dunn, May 16, 2007
  17. It's been quite a while since we have run any SW Benchmarks and I can't find
    the results, but as I recall, both CPU and Graphics results scaled fairly
    well with the processor speed. I/O was less sensitive to CPU speed, but
    still affected appreciably. We weren't overclocking, we were comparing
    different processors, so that could have skewed our results.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 17, 2007
  18. Bo

    TOP Guest

    For SW2005 it appears that the CPU score doesn't influences the
    graphics score as can be seen for the many machines that use the
    FX3500 graphics card.
    CPU Graphics
    2.41 3
    2.44 2.84
    2.35 2.7
    2.4 2.79
    2.17 2.8

    What I was refering to was a test I did a few years back in which a
    box with a mediocre CPU aced a box with a fast CPU solely because of
    the graphics card in the slower box.

    Let's look at a simplified version of how SPEC scores:

    CPU I/O Graphics Overall Geometric Average
    1 1 5 1.71

    5 1 1 1.71

    5 1 5 2.92

    Now which box would you rather be on? I would pick the second. The
    third would probably not be that much faster in the real world than
    the second, but would certainly blow away the first in any real work.

    These are not arithmetic averages. They are geometric averages. SPEC
    states that they weight them, but they don't say how. Looking at
    their results the graphics can certainly pull up a score noticeably.

    Examples taken from:

    TOP, May 17, 2007
  19. Bo

    Dale Dunn Guest

    It's been quite a while since we have run any SW Benchmarks and I
    I suppose it's possible that different graphics subsystems depend
    differently on CPU power. Some graphics cards may be limited by the CPU
    while others may not (depending on driver architecture, on-board memory,
    etc.). This would explain why some individual testers see one trend, while
    other testers see another trend.

    Perhaps we should not be making blanket statements about CPU and graphics
    performance being linked or not, except for specific systems being tested.
    Dale Dunn, May 17, 2007
  20. Bo

    TOP Guest


    You are exactly right that the system has a lot to do with it. This
    includes the operating system. For example some testers may shut down
    the networking and every other service that is not necessary including
    things like USB ports and other IO ports. Different machines have
    different chipsets, different memory and memory settings and different
    BIOS. Some testers may run each test on a fresh image. In the real
    world though, these things won't be true.

    Then in the test, does it really cover the operations that you do?
    What about testing error conditions as in an assembly with multiple
    bad mates or failed feature? What about multi config performance?
    These are some of the things that can really hang up work. My opinion
    about real world type testing is to have in-house models that are
    known to cause trouble and benchmark them on any candidate hardware or
    software releases and service packs.


    PS Some time ago Sporky let us download a whole library of parts. Just
    doing a SW conversion on that lot would make a wonderful benchmark.
    TOP, May 17, 2007
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