mtext background mask (a2k5) vs. plotter "lines merge" setting

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by James Allen, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. James Allen

    James Allen Guest

    Perhaps technically this is double posted, but...

    Apparently this new background mask depends on "lines merge" NOT being
    turned on! Expecting the answer to my question in the print-plot group
    ("Anyone know of a way to make *both* work?") to be no, this becomes a
    customization issue.

    Here's the deal:

    In our standard setup to date, we use a few colors with screening
    percentages and one of those with 0% screening for things we put in the
    files for our purposes but don't ever want to plot. It looks really weird
    when a screened line (or hatch, worse yet) obscures solid linework behind
    it. Still worse is if one of our 0% objects obscures things that are
    supposed to plot. The "lines merge" property in the HP plotter
    configuration made all of this work wonderfully.

    This new background mask property for mtext is wonderful, but I didn't
    realize until I plotted this morning that "lines merge" being turned on
    defeats the background mask! One major use I have for this background mask
    is putting inline text (piping for example) without having to break the

    So what do others do? I REALLY want to be able to use the background mask.
    I realize there is the no-plot property on layers, which would help for
    utility layers but not for individual objects that we want to be
    plot-invisible. That also doesn't take care of any intermediate screening
    percentages. Some automation of draworder (Similar to various "hatchback"
    routines, but for *anything* screened. Like et:cdorder command.) could help
    here, but this would get complicated if not impossible to fully control when
    blocks and xrefs are thrown in the mix (see post by David Kozina: Jun/20/03
    "Will DRAWORDER do this?" for a good description of this and IMO excellent
    suggestion to Autodesk by Gordon Price.).

    Right now I'm leaning toward use the new background mask, change plotter
    configs to "lines overwrite", work up some automated form of cdorder, and
    hope the block/xref thing doesn't become a thorn in my side. But I hope
    someone has a better solution, please. Better yet I wish these two features
    would just play nice, Autodesk? But then I've never understood why solid
    fills and hide plot (hidden, hide, whatever) can't get along. Maybe just
    James Allen, Jun 17, 2004
  2. James Allen

    James Allen Guest

    Is there no way to make both work? I wonder if Autodesk would release a
    patch real soon...

    Here's to hoping,

    James Allen, Jun 22, 2004
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