MsgBox without buttons

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by joanl, Jul 2, 2004.

  1. joanl

    joanl Guest

    Happy Friday to all!

    Is it possible to display a message box without a button?
    I want to briefly show a MsgBox to confirm that a file was saved. I do not want the user to have to click OK I just want to set a timer and have the box disappear after a second or two.


    joanl, Jul 2, 2004
  2. No.

    Display a form instead.
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 2, 2004
  3. joanl

    joanl Guest


    I'm new to this... can you explain a little more.

    joanl, Jul 2, 2004
  4. joanl

    wivory Guest

    Frank means instead of displaying a message box, create a form that "looks" like a message box (with your message on it) and display that instead. After a suitable delay, hide or close the form.


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Jul 5, 2004
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