MSBatch & Reference Files

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Paul Mc, May 25, 2004.

  1. Paul Mc

    Paul Mc Guest


    I have been attempting, without much success to create a batch process to
    merge the reference files from multiple dgn files into one file. The basic
    setup is as follows (I had to do it this way, as it was my clients
    prefered method - as opposed to model/sheet view - I'm just looking for a
    way to make the process quicker, rather than opening up each file
    individually and merging in the referenced dgn)

    I have a large map which is georeferenced into microstation from tiles
    provided by ordance survey - these tiles were merged into this dgn and all
    the information was put on to a single layer.

    I have created a number of separate dgn files (300+) with
    the above file referenced into them - it was done this way to get the
    title block's and such for each map on a separate file
    (reference/clip/fence boundary etc)

    But what I am wanting to do now is make each of these 300+ dgn files a
    standalone drawing with no reference files. I know the key in for the
    reference merge is as simple as 'reference merge' and I have attempted to
    create a batch process job on the files, by putting in that command and
    processing the files I select against the *.txt file containing the

    When I key-in the command in ustn, I'm asked to 'Select View for Merge' -
    which is no problem, i do that and the reference file is merged as
    expected, how can I do this as a batch process? I am unable to find any
    key-in to 'Select View for Merge' or am I going about this the wrong way?
    (an alternative method using MSBATCH?)

    Btw, I'm using Microstation V 8.1(2004), if it is of any significance

    Thanks in advance for any help,


    Paul Mc
    Paul Mc, May 25, 2004
  2. Paul Mc

    Paul Mc Guest

    I've managed to solve the problem, what i had to do was use the batch
    conversion tool included with microstation.. and specify in the options of
    that tool to merge the references into each file. =)

    Paul Mc
    Paul Mc, May 26, 2004
  3. Just thinking aloud, but can you not export to 2d- (or 3d as it goes) you
    options to merge references then but I have never tried batching.

    Anthony and Kirsty, Jun 3, 2004
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