Moving xref entities without changing the xref

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pogoblue, Nov 24, 2004.

  1. pogoblue

    pogoblue Guest

    I know I have seen this done before but I do not have access to the LISP or VBA routine that enabled it.

    I am looking for a tool (VBA preferred) that will allow me to move an item in an xref without changing the xref itself. For example, if there is a room name in a drawing that causes the room to be too cluttered with linework, I would like to move it only in my drawing and not affect the other users. NCopy is not an option because I do not want to break a link to the information in that drawing (attributes, etc.). Help?

    I already received a response in the general CAD forum that says this can't be done but I have seen it done and another engineer in my office has as well. The routine is out there I am just curious if someone knows how to accomplish this and is willing to share.

    My first thought is that every object in the CAD drawing has a handle, and it may be possible to modify the X,Y,Z coordinates of the insert of a block by accessing it using a handle. Is this completely off base or do I have a start here?
    pogoblue, Nov 24, 2004
  2. I haven't seen such a program yet, but sounds interesting.

    You would need to create a list of all entities
    that are moved and record their position.
    Then, you would need a program that would
    react whenever that xref is loaded and move
    the entities on the list to the recorded position

    I doubt this could be made using VBA.
    Jorge Jimenez, Nov 24, 2004
  3. pogoblue

    pogoblue Guest

    I'm open to LISP also, if you are aware of how it could be accomplished using that platform.
    pogoblue, Nov 24, 2004
  4. Hi Jorge,

    With very few exceptions if you can do it in lisp you can do it in VBA.
    What is described here can be done in VBA.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Nov 24, 2004
  5. pogoblue

    pogoblue Guest

    thank you both for being encouraging...the other forum was not as much...

    I have some sample code here that does part of what I want to do...maybe you can provide some suggestions to assist?

    For testing purposes I created a simple form that has (3) list boxes, (3) text boxes, and (2) buttons. The first list box displays the names of the blocks found, the second displays the vaule of "j" (counter variable) and the insertion point of the block found, and the third list box displays the handle of the block. Most of this information will be used but it is not currently needed for the procedure to work. The text boxes are setup to count certain items for basic checking needs. The "List" button executes the procedure, the "Quit" button ends the procedure. After setting that up, here is the problem: The translation works, and when I rewrite the code (toggle +/- for the X,Y coordinates) the translation also works, but my zoom to extents still zooms to include where the translated block was (i.e. ~30,000,~30,000,0). Any ideas? Here is the code:

    Private Sub CmdList_Click()

    Dim i As Integer
    Dim bnam As String
    Dim fullbnam As String
    Dim EqpTag As AcadBlockReference
    Dim TagInsert As Variant


    Dim transMat(0 To 3, 0 To 3) As Double
    transMat(0, 0) = 1#: transMat(0, 1) = 0#: transMat(0, 2) = 0#: transMat(0, 3) = 10000#
    transMat(1, 0) = 0#: transMat(1, 1) = 1#: transMat(1, 2) = 0#: transMat(1, 3) = 10000#
    transMat(2, 0) = 0#: transMat(2, 1) = 0#: transMat(2, 2) = 1#: transMat(2, 3) = 0#
    transMat(3, 0) = 0#: transMat(3, 1) = 0#: transMat(3, 2) = 0#: transMat(3, 3) = 1#

    For i = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Count - 1
    If ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Name = "24197-mfp01" Then
    For j = 0 To ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Count - 1
    If TypeOf ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(j) Is AcadBlockReference Then
    Set EqpTag = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(j)
    fullbnam = EqpTag.Name
    bnam = Right(fullbnam, Len(fullbnam) - InStr(fullbnam, "|"))
    If bnam = "MEQTAG" Then
    ListName.AddItem bnam
    TagInsert = EqpTag.InsertionPoint
    ListType.AddItem j & " at " & TagInsert(0) & "," & TagInsert(1) & "," & TagInsert(2)
    ListHandle.AddItem EqpTag.Handle
    End If
    End If
    Set EqpTag = ThisDrawing.Blocks.Item(i).Item(586)
    TagInsert = 0
    EqpTag.TransformBy transMat
    Next j
    End If
    Next i

    TxtNameCount.Value = ListName.ListCount
    TxtTypeCount.Value = ListType.ListCount
    TxtHandleCount.Value = ListHandle.ListCount

    End Sub
    pogoblue, Nov 24, 2004
  6. Be my guest.
    Jorge Jimenez, Nov 24, 2004
  7. Hi,

    For selecting you blocks you may care to look at this code which will
    quickly create
    a selection set of blocks only. Just change the description "LWPOLYLINE" to
    any type of AutoCAD object you want. This will enable you to work with a
    smaller data set in you looping functions and speed things up overall.


    Laurie Comerford

    Sub ssTest()

    Dim iTmp As Integer

    Dim ssObjects As AcadSelectionSet

    iTmp = SelectObjectsOnLayer(ssObjects, "LWPOLYLINE", "TEXTS")

    iTmp = SelectObjectsOnLayer(ssObjects, "LINE", "TEXTS")

    End Sub ' ssTest()

    ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''''

    Public Function SelectObjectsOnLayer(ssObs As AcadSelectionSet, spObjectType
    As String, spLayer As String) As Integer

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim FilterType(0 To 1) As Integer

    Dim FilterData(0 To 1) As Variant

    Dim sNumber As String

    FilterType(0) = 0: FilterData(0) = spObjectType

    FilterType(1) = 8: FilterData(1) = spLayer

    ' The line below will create an error if the SSET doesn't exist

    ' or delete it if it does exist.

    ' The ON Error will allow the program to continue and create the set


    Set ssObs = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("SSET")

    ssObs.Select acSelectionSetAll, , , FilterType, FilterData

    SelectObjectsOnLayer = ssObs.Count

    Exit Function



    SelectObjectsOnLayer = 0

    End Function ' SelectObjectsOnLayer()

    you can provide some suggestions to assist?
    text boxes, and (2) buttons. The first list box displays the names of the
    blocks found, the second displays the vaule of "j" (counter variable) and
    the insertion point of the block found, and the third list box displays the
    handle of the block. Most of this information will be used but it is not
    currently needed for the procedure to work. The text boxes are setup to
    count certain items for basic checking needs. The "List" button executes
    the procedure, the "Quit" button ends the procedure. After setting that up,
    here is the problem: The translation works, and when I rewrite the code
    (toggle +/- for the X,Y coordinates) the translation also works, but my zoom
    to extents still zooms to include where the translated block was (i.e.
    ~30,000,~30,000,0). Any ideas? Here is the code:
    TagInsert(1) & "," & TagInsert(2)
    Laurie Comerford, Nov 25, 2004
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