Moving projected views

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Dec 8, 2003.

  1. Not necessarily a bad thing, but different.

    Used to be when you moved a view that had projected views, you would move
    the base view and the others would follow along, maintaining their same
    relationship to the base.

    Now you move the base view in the direction of the projected one, and the
    projected on stays where it is, and only the base moves. If you move the
    base view some other direction than in the direction of the projection, then
    the projected view moves also. Sounds weird, but just try it.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 8, 2003
  2. Wayne,
    Using the shift key to returns to previous "move view" functionality.
    (probably already know that, huh?)

    Richard Doyle, Dec 8, 2003
  3. Nope, didn't know that one. Maybe that's why the "What's new" book, page
    8-3, "Moving drawing views" didn't quite make sense. It said "For the
    previous behavior, press ALT... Hmm, didn't work - wrong key.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 8, 2003
  4. See the release notes.....

    Richard Doyle, Dec 8, 2003
  5. Thanks, I stuck some bacon on my face to go along with the egg. Hey, that
    does sound pretty good right now. :)

    I had read the release notes at one time, but apparently that's one that
    didn't register. Must be getting too old for this stuff.

    Wayne Tiffany, Dec 8, 2003
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