Moving lines & tables together in WF2 M080

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Mike, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I can't figure this out.
    I need to move a section of my drawing tree...

    Maybe I've missed a click along the lines somewhere...
    I've tried the following with no luck.

    Selecting each line and table separately:
    Only moves the item you're over when you start your move

    Select window:
    Tables don't keep their relationship with the lines

    Move icon:
    Doesn't select the tables

    Highlights table text and lines but only moves lines
    This option has no undo

    What am I doing wrong?


    Mike, Jun 29, 2005
  2. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    Did this just arrive late? You already posted a summary of the answers you got on
    the Exploder yesterday. Since it might be of interest, I'll post it here.

    Hi all,

    Here's a run-down on my findings.

    I was told by several members that any of the "copy methods" would work when
    coupled with any of the "paste methods"

    Some copy methods that were mentioned/tried by me...

    Edit > copy
    RMB copy
    RMB copy tree
    Table pull down menu > copy table

    Some paste methods...

    RMB paste
    Edit > paste

    This is the only combination that worked for me.
    Ctrl-C then RMB paste

    highlight the whole table by first finding the "sweet spot" near a corner of a
    table that turns the whole table blue
    Then LMB without moving the mouse while table is still blue
    This will turn the table red
    then hit Ctrl-C (you'll see your cursor change as the table is written to the
    Now click on a blank space on your drawing to change the selected table back to
    it's original color
    Now RMB paste and a separate window will come up
    Now do your typical "pick a from point in the window"
    then pick "your destination point on your drawing"

    Hope this helps

    David Janes, Jun 30, 2005
  3. Mike

    Mike Guest


    That was for COPYING A TABLE ONLY.

    This post is about MOVING TABLES & LINES TOGETHER.
    I haven't figured this one out yet and working around it takes 10-20x
    as much time as one move would take, if I could figure it out.


    Mike, Jun 30, 2005
  4. Mike

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Hi, Mike.

    I'm a little slow and am probably missing a lot, but ...

    What are "lines"?

    From your original post, "I need to move a section of my drawing tree...";
    is this related to moving a table?

    I might suggest posting your question along with a simplified example of
    the objects you are working with to mcadcentral. Having the actual objects
    you are trying to manipulate at hand helps bridge gaps in written
    Jeff Howard, Jun 30, 2005
  5. Mike

    Mike Guest

    What are "lines"?

    Draft entities
    Yes in the drawing tree there are small "tables" of information about
    drawing and then lines "draft entities" that connect them.

    What I'd like to do is move a whole section of my drawing tree
    "tables and draft entities"

    THanks Jeff
    Mike, Jun 30, 2005
  6. Mike

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I think I see. "Drawing tree"; it's a block diagram or flow chart sorta
    thing and you are not talking about "Model Tree".

    This isn't subject matter I'm familar with but I don't have a problem
    selecting a table and draft entities simultaneously and doing either Copy /
    Paste or Cut / Paste. The entities are treated as a group; e.g. not
    jumbled up or shifted around.

    Multiple selection and trying to use drag Move (four way screen icon that
    comes up) does shift spatial relationships.

    If you can't get anything else working you might consider making a draft
    group to minimize the number of entities that you have to do discrete moves
    on (?).
    Jeff Howard, Jun 30, 2005
  7. Mike

    Mike Guest

    I think I see. "Drawing tree"; it's a block diagram or flow chart sorta
    Ok but I want to move them.
    I can translate the entities together.
    I can't move tables together.
    Mike, Jun 30, 2005
  8. The translate or 'move' command is looking for entities, which is why it
    will not pick the table.
    What if you select all the things you want to move, holding the control key
    down. Pick the tables and lines, once all is selected you can do a 'edit >
    cut' then 'edit > paste', this will bring you the preview box you can pick
    the new location and plop it where you want. It should move everything
    Gary Miglionico, Jun 30, 2005
  9. Mike

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Ok but I want to move them.

    Cut & Paste is about as close as I can come to that. Hmm... it is sort of
    a "move". 8~)
    Jeff Howard, Jun 30, 2005
  10. Mike

    Mike Guest

    Thanks Gary that did it!!!
    Mike, Jul 1, 2005
  11. Mike

    David Janes Guest

    You know, I thought it would be a good thing to use the new parametric sketching.
    Pick some stuff on the table for references and lock the draft entities to it.
    Then it all ought to move together. Trouble with that (and with creating a draft
    group) ~ the table isn't selectable, it isn't draft entities itself or any other
    known type that you can stick geometry to.

    However, the main way, within Pro/e, for avoiding all the messing around, trying
    merge draft geometry with a table entity and getting them to play nice, is to
    create table geometry with columns and rows adjusted to give the effect, say, of a
    double horizontal or vertical line. Other effects can be achieved with erasing
    lines in the table and then merging cells. I've seen a lot of title blocks done
    this way, all table cells, some bigger, some smaller, most NOT lined up above or
    across from each other in neat rows/columns.
    David Janes, Jul 1, 2005
  12. Mike

    Mike Guest

    You're right Jeff, that works, thanks.
    I guess it didn't sink it the first time you said it :)

    Mike, Jul 1, 2005
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