Moving license server

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tholmlun, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. tholmlun

    tholmlun Guest

    I need to move a 2004 license server from an old Win2K server to a new Win2K3 server. I received the new server codes and the new server seems to be working. I changed licpath.lic on the workstation to point to the new server but it still takes the license from the old server. I want to gradually take this old server offline so I would like to keep both online for a while. Is there a way to make sure all of the workstations are getting the license off the new server? Why doesn't changing the licpath.lic file work?
    tholmlun, Apr 6, 2005
  2. tholmlun

    AlmightySR Guest

    I'm assuming you Proformed Diagnostics, Status Enquiry. And that before
    that was all done you stopped the server and and started it agian. With
    that said, is the new server name going to take hte name of the old server?
    If you took down the old server and just named the new one to the same name
    then you dont need to change everyone computer. If the new server is not
    taking the old name, You might want to do another Status Enquiry, and
    Diagnostics. If these come back possitive you may have to check with your
    Network Tech that the server is a static IP and not on a sub network or
    behind any firewalls.
    AlmightySR, Apr 6, 2005
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