Moving file to new server

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by nfeculak, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. nfeculak

    nfeculak Guest

    We just got a new server and I need to move all the SW file on my computer
    to the server. I have all my SW file in one folder, if I copy this folder to
    the server am I going to loose all my references or create any problems? I
    haven't quite figured out this moving files thing. What about toolbox,
    Should I move this to the server to? I would like to put Toolbox in a common
    spot for when we get another SW user.

    Thanks Nathan
    nfeculak, Jun 4, 2004
  2. nfeculak

    Seth Renigar Guest

    If ALL (and I mean ALL) of your SW files are in one folder, then SW will be
    able to find the references without any problem by simply moving the folder
    to the server. I am pretty sure that even if this main folder has
    sub-folders, it will still not have any problems. The only problems that it
    might have is finding your Toolbox parts.

    As far as moving the Toolbox, I highly recommend moving that to the server
    as well so that it can be shared. However, it is not as simple as just
    moving it. I am in the same boat as you (by myself) and I am going to move
    the Toolbox to the server so it can be shared when we hire a second person.
    I talked to my VAR about this and there is a procedure that HAS to be done.
    They emailed me the procedure but I have not gotten around to doing this
    yet. I would email it to you but I can't seem to locate it right now. If
    you contact your VAR they can probably email you the same procedure.
    Seth Renigar, Jun 4, 2004
  3. nfeculak

    TheTick Guest

    Few people agree with me, but I stand by this. Most opposition is
    grounded in fear, not in actual experience...

    You can move the entire directory structure over to the new server.
    This will not cause any loss of references between copied files.

    SW help details the order in which SW searches for references. One of
    the features of SW's search pattern is that it checks relative path
    before it checks absolute path.

    What does this mean? If you move a project's files from
    "C:\project\files" to "D:\archive\project\files", and open an assembly
    or drawing from the location "D:\archive\project\files", SW will
    search D:\archive\project\files before searching "C:\project\files".
    TheTick, Jun 4, 2004
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