Moving attibutes in a inserted block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Edward Bagby, Mar 23, 2005.

  1. Edward Bagby

    Edward Bagby Guest

    I've been trying to move attributes that are in an inserted block but I'm
    really starting to go mad.

    I keep getting an object required error.

    I've tried:
    Set varAttribs.TextAlignmentPoint = dblPoint
    Set varAttribs.InsertionPoint = dblPoint
    varAttribs.TextAlignmentPoint = dblPoint
    varAttribs.InsertionPoint = dblPoint

    all of these get that same error. What strange trick are we supposed to use
    to get this to actually work?

    Thanks for the help!

    Edward Bagby, Mar 23, 2005
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