Moving Assemblies with Split parts - When are they going to fix this?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nev Williams, Jun 2, 2007.

  1. Nev Williams

    Nev Williams Guest

    Just gave a client a job that had a few split parts.
    Used SW Explorer like a good user should, to copy all assys, parts and
    (hurrah finally) - drawings.
    Client opened up job - no split parts.At this point, I kind of guessed this
    was the start of a lot of grief for the next few hours.

    Split Parts not opening because they lost references back to parent.
    Drawings of split parts not opening because they lost references back to
    parent part.

    When oohhh when, will this get freaking sorted.
    Nev Williams, Jun 2, 2007
  2. Nev Williams

    TOP Guest

    The key to using SW is not to know all the features but to know which
    features not to use.

    TOP, Jun 2, 2007
  3. Nev Williams

    zxys Guest

    Was that a rhetorical question? 8^/

    Spoon boy: Do not try and bend the spoon. That's impossible.
    Instead... only try to realize the truth.
    Neo: What truth?
    Spoon boy: There is no spoon.
    Neo: There is no spoon?
    Spoon boy: Then you'll see, that it is not the spoon that bends, it is
    only yourself.

    zxys, Jun 2, 2007
  4. Nev Williams

    Nev Williams Guest

    I am getting a bit tired and sore from bending over and taking it
    Nev Williams, Jun 2, 2007
  5. Nev Williams

    neilscad Guest

    Well it alll seems perfectly reasonable...

    You've been half assed for a half ass program
    neilscad, Jun 2, 2007
  6. Nev Williams

    mbiasotti Guest


    First of all, can you please make sure that you submit this to your
    VAR as a bug. Second, what should work as a work-around to Explorer is
    to use Pack N' Go from the top level assembly?


    mbiasotti, Jun 3, 2007
  7. Nev Williams

    neilscad Guest

    Probably he's just sick of doing that.
    Probably he thinks by sp4 it should just work...
    Most probably he is just one of thousands who have the same view.
    How hard is it for you guys to get the message about quality.
    You hear this over and over and over but you do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
    neilscad, Jun 3, 2007
  8. Nev Williams

    zxys Guest

    Hmm,... did you guys fix the Pack N' Go bug/regression or whatever we
    now call broken?

    zxys, Jun 3, 2007
  9. Nev Williams

    Nev Williams Guest

    I AM USING Pack and Go !! It Does Not Work!
    There are 2 parts each with a split at end of FM. In each case this has
    created 2 split parts (4 in total)
    These 4 split parts each have a drawing associated.

    Pack and go bypasses any split part and it's drawings.
    This assembly is fairly simple having only 5 or 6 unique parts.
    Not to put to finer point on it - this should be basic functionality. This
    sort of thing makes the contractor that they pay good money for (ie me!)
    look a bit stupid - this is what really ticks me off the most.
    Nev Williams, Jun 4, 2007
  10. Nev Williams

    mbiasotti Guest

    Nev, just trying to take care of this so forgive me for the basic
    questions: are the split parts part of the the assembly that you've
    pack n' go?

    I asked because I just tried this on my SP4 and could not reproduce
    your problem. Can you be more specific about how you structured your

    Pack n' Go only references parts and drawings that are part of the
    assembly or part. If a part is split off from the master part but not
    part of the assembly, then it, by design, will not include it. The
    exception to this is drawings.

    Here's what I did, and perhaps because it is simple it works, that's
    why it would be good to get your files.

    1) created master part and split sketch and split it out into 4
    separate split part files.
    2) reassemblied the 4 split parts into assembly.
    3) made drawings from two of the split parts.
    4) pack-n-go the assembly (including drawings)
    5) results of this are in a pack-n-go folder. If you email me at
    I can send you the example.

    Nev, it would probably be best to get your example so I can have the
    developers look at it.


    mbiasotti, Jun 4, 2007
  11. Nev Williams

    Nev Williams Guest

    Files sent to your email address.
    Neville Williams
    Z-Axis Design - NZ
    "remove the KNOT to reply"

    " A common mistake that people make when
    trying to design something completely foolproof,
    is to underestimate the ingenuity of the complete fool." - ANON
    Nev Williams, Jun 4, 2007
  12. Nev Williams

    mbiasotti Guest


    As we've been communicating via email, there is not a problem with
    Pack N' Go but rather it is working as design. I would encourage you
    and others to put in an enhancement request to extend its capabilites
    to optionally included all derived parts that are not part of the
    assembly that you're packing up.

    As I'm sure you agree, this needs to be an option (off by default)
    that the user specifies, since designers usually want to capture all
    the needed parts for an assembly (and drawings) but not necessarily
    parts that have been derived from parts in that assembly that perhaps
    pertain to other design assemblies.


    mbiasotti, Jun 7, 2007
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