Moving an imported pre made sketch around the drawing area.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by G. De Angelis, Aug 31, 2007.

  1. In an attempt to re-use a previously made sketch and after importing
    this sketch by way of cut and paste, what is the procedure to move
    the sketch around and place it exactly where I want it in on the
    plane, if I want to extrude it, for example, or if I import it and
    want to position it exactly where I want it on a part allready
    extruded, to extrude cut it? RMB does not offer any options as a new
    sketch would.

    Thank you for your response,
    G. De Angelis

    Valhalla Grafix LTD
    (401) 749-1209
    G. De Angelis, Aug 31, 2007
  2. G. De Angelis

    fcsuper Guest

    Have you tried turning the sketch entities into a block? You can also
    highlight the whole sketch, then hold the CTRL key will LMC an end
    point on the sketch. This will allow you move the sketch in unison,
    but sometimes only works properly the first time and no time after
    that. What else have you tried?

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Aug 31, 2007
  3. G. De Angelis

    Rory Guest

    I will sometimes use a derived sketch for this. I'll past the sketch
    on one of the main planes, then I select it and the plan I want to put
    the sketch on, then go to the insert pulldown where you'll find
    "Insert Derived Sketch". This forces an exact copy of the original
    sketch to be placed on the new plane. Because it doesn't allow you to
    make any changes to the derived sketch it moves the sketch around as a
    single entity. Once I'm done placing it with relations I usually fix
    all the entities, then exit the sketch, underive it from the right-
    click menu, and finally delete the original.

    I usually only do this for large sketches. I've used the Ctrl key
    trick that fcsuper mentioned: select entities, hold Ctrl, start to
    drag, then while still holding the left mouse button release the Ctrl
    key to change the "copy" to a "move". The problem I sometimes run
    into with this is if the sketch has some short line segments I've had
    it shift some of the end points around.

    I like the idea of trying to make it a block before you move it
    around. I might try that first next time instead of the derived
    sketch method.

    Rory, Aug 31, 2007
  4. G. De Angelis

    fcsuper Guest

    Actually there is one easier way if this is on a drawing. Simply
    create an empty drawing view and copy the sketch into that. You can
    then move the view around and the sketch moves with it.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Aug 31, 2007
  5. <Have you tried turning the sketch entities into a block? You can
    also >
    <highlight the whole sketch, then hold the CTRL key will LMC an end >
    <point on the sketch. This will allow you move the sketch in
    <but sometimes only works properly the first time and no time after>
    <that. What else have you tried? >

    Actually I have tried converting the sketch to a block with
    Tools>Block>Make, with no results. I get this message: "The item on
    the clipboard cannot be pasted here". It is evident that I do not have
    enough knowlege of using blocks at the level that I am at.

    I did try the CTRL key method, and it seems to work OK, for which I
    thank you.
    Thank all of you Gentlemen for your response.

    G. De Angelis
    Vallhala Grafix LTD
    G. De Angelis, Aug 31, 2007
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