moving a hole in 3d

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kirk Bennett, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. Kirk Bennett

    Kirk Bennett Guest

    Same piece of plate I posted about only an hour ago....Can I move a hole
    that has been placed for a window cutout or do I need to recreate the plate
    and extrude another solid then subtract the two to get the new hole. I know
    in MicroStation I can simply place a fence around the hole and then use
    'manipulate fence contents' to drag the hole to a new location

    Please help..

    Kirk Bennett, Jan 12, 2005
  2. It really depends on how you are drawing the hole.
    If it is a void in a solid, you'll have to fill it,
    and then create a new one where you want it.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jan 12, 2005
  3. Kirk Bennett

    CW Guest

    Plug the hole then make a new one.
    CW, Jan 14, 2005
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