Move / Resize Features 2007 SP4

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Twit, Jun 1, 2007.

  1. Twit

    Twit Guest

    No longer rebuilds automatically if you drag a sketch. Am I missing a
    suspend rebuild setting somewhere, or is this just another balls-up?

    In addition, the drag handles flicker on moementarily and then vanish.


    2007 sp4
    Win XP Pro 32bit SP2
    Dell Precision M60 etc etc etc
    Twit, Jun 1, 2007
  2. Twit

    zxys Guest

    Yep, just tried it out.... way to go SW Corp, you f%$# ass%@*$

    Guess what else, some of my spline end points (free with no
    constraints...freaking BS!) will NOT move with with Move/Size

    F$#@#@ ASS^%$#$

    zxys, Jun 2, 2007
  3. Twit

    mbiasotti Guest


    I've had development look into this and they have verified it as SPR

    Thanks for taking the time to notify us and will work our hardest to
    get it fixed as soon as possible.


    mbiasotti, Jun 4, 2007
  4. Twit

    pete Guest


    You input is most welcome, but why was this not found, before release of the
    Does Solidworks not have "real" users testing it?

    Here is another cock-up:
    Bend line colours not corresponding to the Document options, when updating
    drawing made in 2005.
    This worked fine in 2006 sp 3.1
    But has now been broken!
    Yes another document trip to Solidworks to get a SPR number.
    pete, Jun 4, 2007
  5. Twit

    TOP Guest

    Let's not beat up on Mark (not even a little). He's just a peep like
    us with a huge plate full of stuff to do. He isn't the quality guy
    either. If he wants to know it's probable that he is in a position to
    get it worked on in some way shape or form.

    TOP, Jun 4, 2007
  6. Twit

    pete Guest

    I wasn't meaning to beat him up and I apologise if that was what it seemed

    I love the idea that a SW guy is adding his input on this newsgroup.
    Thumbs up Mark!

    Can we have more SW peeps getting involved or are they too scared of being
    flamed, lol
    pete, Jun 5, 2007
  7. Twit

    mbiasotti Guest

    Don't be concerned, I do not take offense at your comments because
    they are most valid. You are correct in that we need to do a better
    job at capturing bugs like this before they get into a released
    product - especially regressions.

    Remember that I was a customer for quite some time and so I empathize
    with you all. This is a major challenge for us as we continue to add
    functionality to our product for both the purpose of completing
    features, that are incomplete in their functionality, and offer new
    functions to help you get your jobs done.

    Thanks for bring this to our attention.

    mbiasotti, Jun 7, 2007
  8. Twit

    neilscad Guest

    Well thats comforting to hear Mark but I dont see any major challenge
    to do with adding functionality
    What it really needs is a commitment from your boss to actually spend
    real money on raising quality
    I bring to your attention last year when you moved straight from beta
    to release...
    Remember that I was a customer for some time before I gave up
    neilscad, Jun 7, 2007
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