move fixed rate lisp program

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by daniel delgado mañas, Jul 24, 2003.

  1. What I am trying to do is create a script that lets me move any object a
    fixed distance each time I press the corresponding icon or control+key.
    for example, I grip select an object, then I start to interact with it, each
    time I press control+ numpad1 it should move 0.1 units to the left. I've
    already made it move, but after the first displacement the object gets
    unselected and I have to grip select it again, when my objective is to first
    grip select it once, and then be able to move it as many times as I like
    without having to select it again.
    the command I am using is the following:
    " ^C^C_move 0,0 @-.1,0 "
    what I need to make is that after the object has moved once it gets
    grip-highlighted again
    Any one knows how to help?
    thanks in advance
    daniel delgado mañas, Jul 24, 2003
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