Move elements from one layer to another

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by antoniomiranda, Jun 28, 2003.

  1. Hello,

    I have 2 elements on layer 12, one in a line with color=2, linetype=4; other is an arc with color=5 and linetype=2.

    I want to move or copy the line to layer 55, with color=8 and linetype=3; and the arc element to layer 66, with color=7 and linetype=1.

    If possible specify the method to copy and the method to move elements.

    António Miranda
    antoniomiranda, Jun 28, 2003
  2. antoniomiranda

    Mark Propst Guest

    I have 2 elements on layer 12, one in a line with color=2, linetype=4; other
    is an arc with color=5 and linetype=2.
    I want to move or copy the line to layer 55, with color=8 and linetype=3;
    and the arc element to layer 66, with color=7 and linetype=1.

    If possible specify the method to copy

    the basic idea is: (just one way)
    first get your object you want to copy, either with a selection set or
    then get your element properties, store in variables,
    oClr = object.Color
    'find the current owner, not sure about the syntax here and no time to
    but you get the idea (is; the line in mspace, pspace or a block?)
    oOwner = object.OwnerId
    oOwner = oOwner.Name ?????

    then create a new object with desired properties, using your variables
    set Block = oOwner? Model Space, paper space or a block name - depending on
    where you want your line 'copied" to.
    set oLine = ThisDrawing.Block.AddLine pt1 pt2
    oLine.Color = oClr
    etc with other properties

    and the method to move elements.
    just change the start point and endpoint for a line to wehre you want to
    move it
    oLine.Startpoint = newStartpoint
    oLine.Endpoint = newEndpoint

    similar with arc, including centerpoint

    and if you want to change the properties, color etc, do as above
    oObject.Color = newColor ...etc

    that's realbrief and not coded for you but does it help with an idea of what
    to do:?
    sorry I'm in a hurry now and don't have time to give a better explanation
    but hopefully that helps get you started, and I'm sure you'll get lots of
    better answers soon anyway...

    good luck
    I'll check back later and see if you got what you needed.
    Mark Propst, Jun 28, 2003
  3. antoniomiranda

    HJohn Guest

    Here is a small example to copy or move entities from one layer to another, you can change it to your needs. Hope it helps.

    Public Sub ChangeLayers()
    Dim Obj As AcadEntity
    Dim I As Integer
    Dim Cur_Lay As AcadLayer
    Dim New_Lay As String
    Dim Pt As Variant
    Dim SS As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim Action As String
    Dim ActList As String
    Dim Ent As AcadEntity

    Set SS = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("$SS01$")
    ThisDrawing.Utility.Prompt Chr(13) & "Select entities to be copied or moved to new layer"
    ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Ent, Pt, "Select an entity on destination layer: "
    New_Lay = Ent.Layer
    ActList = "Copy Move"
    ThisDrawing.Utility.InitializeUserInput 1, ActList
    Action = UCase$(ThisDrawing.Utility.GetKeyword("Enter command [Copy/Move]: "))
    Set Ent = Nothing
    If Action = "COPY" Then
        For Each Obj In SS
            Set Ent = Obj.Copy
            Ent.Layer = New_Lay
            'You can add any properties need here...
        Next Obj
    ElseIf Action = "MOVE" Then
        For Each Obj In SS
            Obj.Layer = New_Lay
            'You can add any properties need here...
        Next Obj
    End If
    End Sub
    HJohn, Jun 28, 2003
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