mouseAddPt() force

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Bob Moore, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest


    How can I force the Left Mouse Button to be in a mouseAddPt() mode, from my skill

    I optimistically called mouseAddPt() but it doesn't do the trick.

    F.ex after I select a menu item it's mode switches to mouseAddPt().
    After I click once in window it goes back to mouseSingleSelectPt() mode.

    I want to switch it to mouseAddPt() without selecting the menu item again.

    Is this possible ????????????????????????????????????????

    My window is Virtuoso Schematic Editing window.
    Bob Moore, Aug 3, 2004
  2. Bob Moore

    Guest Guest

    mouseAddPt() is specifically for adding points when you are in an enter
    function, so I think what you are asking for is for the enter function to
    automatically restart?

    -Pete Zakel

    Katz' Law:
    Man and nations will act rationally when all other
    possibilities have been exhausted.
    Guest, Aug 4, 2004
  3. Bob Moore

    oghdayan Guest

    Not exactly what you ask but you can try these:
    -options->editor "modal" on
    -right click to repeat last command
    oghdayan, Aug 5, 2004
  4. Bob Moore

    S. Badel Guest


    not sure at all what you're willing to do.

    mouseAddPt() is a function you set as a bindkey.
    When bound to a key, pressing this key acts as
    pressing the mouse button. "staying in mouseAddPt
    mode" doesn't make any sense to me, as you have to
    move the mouse to a point before calling mouseAddPt
    to input that point.

    if you want to collect points user enters with the
    mouse, you should use enterPoints() instead or any
    other enterFunction.

    S. Badel, Aug 5, 2004
  5. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like.
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  6. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  7. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  8. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  9. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  10. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  11. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  12. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  13. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  14. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  15. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  16. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  17. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Yes, that is what I would like. thanks
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  18. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Well this does the trick, maybe a little too 'mousy'. But thanks!!
    I am trying to probe a bunch of nets by doing click click click on the nets in
    the schematic.
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  19. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Well this does the trick, maybe a little too 'mousy'. But thanks!!
    I am trying to probe a bunch of nets by doing click click click on the nets in
    the schematic.
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
  20. Bob Moore

    Bob Moore Guest

    Well this does the trick, maybe a little too 'mousy'. But thanks!!
    I am trying to probe a bunch of nets by doing click click click on the nets in
    the schematic.
    Bob Moore, Aug 6, 2004
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